Hi guys! Did you experience having job offers? What if the offers are not your first priorities?
Yesterday, I received a call from my ex boss. He said I can start today or tomorrow. I worked in his company for 3 years but only seasonal. Usually 8-10 month/ year. I worked with machine which I enjoy because it produces heat.

The rate is very good but what i don't like is being a seasonal worker. If I accept, I can have my holiday in the Philippines at the end of my contract this year which is fantastic.
This morning the carehome I applied 2 months ago rang me. She said I can start in 2 weeks.

It leads to permanency but I am not sure if I will enjoy the job.
I applied in ASDA and they sent me application and sent back to them.
If lucky chosen for interview and got offer, I will surely accept the offer as this is on the top of my list. Second is I want to study more but my brain needs a break.
If you're in my shoes? How can you decide?