Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
Hi guys! Did you experience having job offers? What if the offers are not your first priorities?

Yesterday, I received a call from my ex boss. He said I can start today or tomorrow. I worked in his company for 3 years but only seasonal. Usually 8-10 month/ year. I worked with machine which I enjoy because it produces heat. The rate is very good but what i don't like is being a seasonal worker. If I accept, I can have my holiday in the Philippines at the end of my contract this year which is fantastic.

This morning the carehome I applied 2 months ago rang me. She said I can start in 2 weeks. It leads to permanency but I am not sure if I will enjoy the job.

I applied in ASDA and they sent me application and sent back to them.
If lucky chosen for interview and got offer, I will surely accept the offer as this is on the top of my list. Second is I want to study more but my brain needs a break.

If you're in my shoes? How can you decide?
Hi Tol' wow if its me , i will do the samething too post it here and wait for others peoples opinion he he he

but I guess you do need to think what you like to do and not the money tol' coz if you dont like the job i don't think you'll stay long with that job anyways, plus some people who work for carehome here says its hard work , unless you have backgrounds on working in a hospital in pinas he he he coz thats hardwork too

do you like to work in ASDA more than any other work? good luck and hope you get the job you wanted tol