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    Going Public: The reality

    Well after 7 months of online dating, 3 weeks in the Philippines, and a few spats here and there. I have finally broken the old chestnut of telling my family about Rizza (Well, one of my sisters, but te word will have spread within the first few minutes of letting her know) Told my friend John about Rizza and now they're friends on facebook, with my sister requesting Rizza befriend her (facebook geeks)

    And all of a sudden I am wondering why I was so bothered or afraid to "come out" before? I said to my sister, no need to give me any lectures or anything and please don't give me any st, and her reply was "Just be careful! There, now you're told"... But otherwise she is okay with the idea, she has known for years that I was always attracted to Asian ladies, so I guess there is no big surprise.

    So now there is everyone else left to tell, but I guess they are kind of unimportant enough to wait till they find out for themselves. But officially, I have no secrets any more...

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Well Northerner, I hope you feel a lot better about everything now. I am not sure why you left it so long..... your mahal looks beautiful and you have always posted about her with passion in your heart, so why hide it.

    My father also just said go careful,but now my parents both love Charie and are happy to see me so happy again.

    Shout it from the hills my friend

  3. #3
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    I guess my reasoning for being quiet, was the comments made by some people in work when I said I was going on holiday to the Philippines. Everyone just assumed I was a sex tourist

    And a lady (who is now my manager) asked if I was going to "buy a wife".. So I guess it was people like that I was avoiding the question and answers session with.

  4. #4
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Glad it went well, as I know different people can react differently.

    I didn't tell everyone about Suzie as I knew/imagined what some people would say (and of course with what happened it was maybe better that I hadn't!). But when you get that serious about them and you have decided that they are the one for you, then you will have to tell friends and family. Hopefully the reactions will be good, but of course you'll have to be prepared for the odd one that is not quite as you wish. In time though, hopefully everyone will be happy for you!

  5. #5
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    I wish I'd never bothered Never had one positive comment. Of course they all think she's after the visa or the money, or because I'm not capable of finding a good english girl

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I wish I'd never bothered Never had one positive comment. Of course they all think she's after the visa or the money, or because I'm not capable of finding a good english girl
    The area of Manchester where I am originally from, and where all of my family live (roughly) is called Stretford. You may know of it as the supposed area where the characters in the TV series "Shameless" are based (although that is not actually filmed in Stretford).

    And yes, there are many people I know who are like those people from out of Shameless, some of whom are friends and neighbours of my sisters

    So, when it comes to "Good, English Girls" within my families surroundings, they are few and far between.

    But if I wanted to settle down with a woman whose ambition in life was to appear on the Jeremy Kyle show, I could be well in

  7. #7
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    But if I wanted to settle down with a woman whose ambition in life was to appear on the Jeremy Kyle show, I could be well in

  8. #8
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I know you had your reasons, but I'm glad for you now.
    Better all out in the open.

    As for me, I never felt the need to hide anything...I guess I'm just at the point in my life, when I don't really care what anyone else thinks.
    I can prove any doubter wrong & I've made the best decision in my life, though maybe not the easiest route, but wouldn't change a thing.

    I'm with SteveR....shout it from the rooftops.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    great news we are all afraid of being called and making fun off , but life is great for all of us on this site , i love my emma and she loves me , cannot wait to marry her

  10. #10
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    I'm not quite the shout from the rooftops kind of guy... But, yeah. When I stop and think about it, I am lucky with Rizza

  11. #11
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    I'm not quite the shout from the rooftops kind of guy... But, yeah. When I stop and think about it, I am lucky with Rizza
    Well no I'm not too & I guess we'd get arrested if we did it literally ....but the longer we leave it, the harder it becomes......thanks

  12. #12
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    ...I guess I'm just at the point in my life, when I don't really care what anyone else thinks.
    Exactly Sim,

    I'm afraid I think of me first these days, who cares what others think. We have all made decisions on this forum to be with somebody we have found to be attractive and one we have fallen in love with. Why 'make do' in a realtionship.....I made that mistake before. Now I follow my heart, I found my Mahal and I have not looked back since.

    Northerner, I understand now why you were a little hesitant, but be sure in the fact that you and Rizza have found happiness together, stuff what others think, it's your life buddy. Grab it and run!!

  13. #13
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Exactly Sim,

    I'm afraid I think of me first these days, who cares what others think. We have all made decisions on this forum to be with somebody we have found to be attractive and one we have fallen in love with. Why 'make do' in a realtionship.....I made that mistake before. Now I follow my heart, I found my Mahal and I have not looked back since.

    Northerner, I understand now why you were a little hesitant, but be sure in the fact that you and Rizza have found happiness together, stuff what others think, it's your life buddy. Grab it and run!!
    Once again spot on, i recognise like im sure many others do exactly what your saying.
    Good luck to all who are on 'this' path

  14. #14
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurel View Post
    Once again spot on, i recognise like im sure many others do exactly what your saying.
    Good luck to all who are on 'this' path
    Thanks laurel

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    I wish I'd never bothered Never had one positive comment. Of course they all think she's after the visa or the money, or because I'm not capable of finding a good english girl
    i've heard that and more

    when i use to tell people my misses was from the phils, the reaction from some people was, you get wink,wink - how much did i pay for her, how old is she, is she after a uk passport, did i meet her in a lap dancing bar

    no point in trying to educate the shameless dimwits you should know that northerner

    now if anyone asks me where's me misses from , sometimes i say an island called Palawan in the South China Sea, and people go , their reaction is positive and not the neg one you get from some people because of the media taking the out of filipina's

    Simon your right thou. but i need my job, and i'd end up someone if i keep hearing the people say about the phils and filipina's

  16. #16
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    when i used to tell people my misses was from the phils, the reaction from some people was, you get wink,wink - how much did i pay for her, how old is she point in trying to educate the shameless dimwits you should know that northerner
    I must admit i hate the fact that people feel the right to ask more personal questions as a result of where Pia is from. I like the 'island in the South China sea approach.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  17. #17
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    going public, when i read that i wasn't sure should i read this thread

    thankfully my family weren't that bother when i told my family and after meeting her, they all like her!

    btw do familie's like shamless really exist
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    btw do familie's like shamless really exist
    yes they do i know some and work with some

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes they do i know some and work with some

    Pffft.. I have too many stories about families like that... There is one woman I know of (and am sort of related too) who has 10 children by 2 different fathers. Her parenting skils consisted of telling all her kids to " off out the house and don't come back till tea time".


    One of her sons is a Murderer (who got away with it on a technicality).
    One of her sons is a child molester (to his step daughter).
    One of her sons met her daughters molester the day he got out of prison (for said sexual assault), to take him to the pub on his release. This same person, years later held his then girlfriend prisoner and raped her over a period of a few days. She was too afraid to tell the Police, but her mother (who was also her boyfriends boss) fired him... And he felt like he had been hard done by!
    One of her daughters married a Muslim man and converted, and had a better life. After seeing this, another of her sisters also converted despite have 3 children by different fathers. And then made up stories of "Racial hatred" because she was a Muslim, simply to get a better council house (front page of the Manchester Evening News and she got the house).

    Okay... I am straying from the topic, but yeah.. People like those out of Shameless exist, and multiply by the tens...

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    ... Duplicate

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Pffft.. I have too many stories about families like that... There is one woman I know of (and am sort of related to) who has 10 children by 2 different fathers. Her parenting skils consisted of telling all her kids to " off out the house and don't come back till tea time".


    One of her sons is a Murderer (who got away with it on a technicality).
    One of her sons is a child molester (to his step daughter).
    One of her sons met her daughters molester the day he got out of prison (for said sexual assault), to take him to the pub on his release. This same person, years later held his then girlfriend prisoner and raped her over a period of a few days. She was too afraid to tell the Police, but her mother (who was also her boyfriends boss) fired him... And he felt like he had been hard done by!
    One of her daughters married a Muslim man and converted, and had a better life. After seeing this, another of her sisters also converted despite have 3 children by different fathers. And then made up stories of "Racial hatred" because she was a Muslim, simply to get a better council house (front page of the Manchester Evening News and she got the house).

    Okay... I am straying from the topic, but yeah.. People like those out of Shameless exist, and multiply by the tens...
    and i thought i had problems
    just shows you, there is always someone worse off than yourself
    you've cheered me up

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    .. duplicate.. Slow PC

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    coming out

    hello northerner i am john from wigan

    yes mate all the comments had been said to me at the start of me meeting alona my wife.

    some people are ignorant , some uneducated and some just jealous.

    alona has been here 3 years now and everyone loves her to bits.

    and now the jealous ones are really jealous haha.

    treat her right and you will never regret meeting her.

    take care


  24. #24
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    Thanks so much for this thread, and all the posts which have followed Maybe I've worried too much about what people might think and say. This has reminded me I'm not alone

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Thanks so much for this thread, and all the posts which have followed Maybe I've worried too much about what people might think and say. This has reminded me I'm not alone
    I started a thread a good so many month ago about this. As at that time I was worried mainly about what people would say (and I think you understand that, as many here do too).

    I think it takes a while to be comfortable with having to discuss stuff like this with people in the UK. I have gone over the sly retorts in my head, ready to fend off or simply insult the people who gave me negative comments. But then, I think I have finally come to think less off that. After all, I do not pass on comment to workmates about their other half, to do so would be rude. And if they do so to me, then I will be rude back to them. End of conversation!

    Besides, like others have reminded me. Rizza is a Beautiful woman (inside and outside). I should be proud of that

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Besides, like others have reminded me. Rizza is a Beautiful woman (inside and outside). I should be proud of that

    i know my misses is proud to be a filipina
    i try to just ignore the now
    but they just need educating about the phils, and what better way to do that, but going and seeing for themselves

  27. #27
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    As for me, I never felt the need to hide anything...I guess I'm just at the point in my life, when I don't really care what anyone else thinks.
    I can prove any doubter wrong & I've made the best decision in my life, though maybe not the easiest route, but wouldn't change a thing.

    I'm with SteveR....shout it from the rooftops.

    Totally agree

  28. #28
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hi Northerner, I told my mates about Nisa and got the usual "She's only after your money" comments. Now 2 and a Half years later...3 of them now have Filipino girlfriends and another has just got married to one.. I always told anyone who had similar comments to the above. "to go kiss my a**e" I'm proud of my missus, I would Never ever want to go back to an English lady, at my age, they are all made up, fat and still expecting the world of whoever they go out with. (well the one's I got off with were..hehehe) Living here now for a little while, I understand how so many Western men marry Filipino's....they are so..what ever us men want from a partner...wouldn't swap mine for anythiong (well maybe an Audi 5) Don't bother what other people think or say..your the one who WILL spend the rest of your life with her. By the way, just downloaded the whole 6 series of "Shameless" absolutley Brilliant. I now have a new hero to add to my list of (Mr. Gallagher)..Homer Simpson, Rab C Nesbitt and Chubby Brown. The people who watch Chubby in Limasawa on our Tv, think he's so funny...maybe one day they will want to ask me what he's talking about......hehehe.

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    Still just coming round to the idea that everything is out in the open. And kind of cool with it at that

    And of course we are now more relaxed with our relationship. We know it is for the long haul and are not so much in a hurry to get a visa just yet, that time will come. Until then, just enjoying what we have.

  30. #30
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I had a few bitchy comments when I first met Daryl Lynn and planned to bring her to the UK. It was usually from my ex-wife.
    I just called her a racist and that shut her up!

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