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Thread: Going Public: The reality

  1. #31
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hi Northerner, I told my mates about Nisa and got the usual "She's only after your money" comments. Now 2 and a Half years later...3 of them now have Filipino girlfriends and another has just got married to one.. I always told anyone who had similar comments to the above. "to go kiss my a**e" I'm proud of my missus, I would Never ever want to go back to an English lady, at my age, they are all made up, fat and still expecting the world of whoever they go out with. (well the one's I got off with were..hehehe) Living here now for a little while, I understand how so many Western men marry Filipino's....they are so..what ever us men want from a partner...wouldn't swap mine for anythiong (well maybe an Audi 5) Don't bother what other people think or say..your the one who WILL spend the rest of your life with her. By the way, just downloaded the whole 6 series of "Shameless" absolutley Brilliant. I now have a new hero to add to my list of (Mr. Gallagher)..Homer Simpson, Rab C Nesbitt and Chubby Brown. The people who watch Chubby in Limasawa on our Tv, think he's so funny...maybe one day they will want to ask me what he's talking about......hehehe.

  2. #32
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    Still just coming round to the idea that everything is out in the open. And kind of cool with it at that

    And of course we are now more relaxed with our relationship. We know it is for the long haul and are not so much in a hurry to get a visa just yet, that time will come. Until then, just enjoying what we have.

  3. #33
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    when i used to tell people my misses was from the phils, the reaction from some people was, you get wink,wink - how much did i pay for her, how old is she point in trying to educate the shameless dimwits you should know that northerner
    I must admit i hate the fact that people feel the right to ask more personal questions as a result of where Pia is from. I like the 'island in the South China sea approach.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  4. #34
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    I had a few bitchy comments when I first met Daryl Lynn and planned to bring her to the UK. It was usually from my ex-wife.
    I just called her a racist and that shut her up!

  5. #35
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    I had a few 'did you bring her over?' questions. They were more embarassed when I told them we met in my local pub.

    Anyway the internet is just another way of meeting someone, no worse or better than in work or in a bar or nightclub.

  6. #36
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    shout it out northerner!be proud!ma life has been so open at FB though FB is not my life...WHo cares!!!Live your life tha Way u Want and Love the life you live,,,,

  7. #37
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    I had a few bitchy comments when I first met Daryl Lynn and planned to bring her to the UK. It was usually from my ex-wife.
    I just called her a racist and that shut her up!
    nyahahha!i so hate racists!i hope the jst off!

  8. #38
    Respected Member HopeUK's Avatar
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    Here's to Love!!

    I realise that I may not exactly be as yet qualified to speak to this point with my ‘fledgling relationship’ (for those reading this without the back story, I’m going to meet my Filipina for the first time this April), but I felt moved to chip in a little with support regarding the good attitudes I have read in this posting..

    I was recently reminded by a good friend that I should feel proud for taking life ‘by the horns’ and reaching for what I felt inside. So many people (and many of these will be the oft-mentioned 'doubters and ignorants' in this post I’m sure) live their lives by other people’s rules and expectations. Time and again, for quite a few reasons I've failed to 'seize the day' in my personal life, and I have to admit it has often been due to a lack of personal fortitude - not worrying about what others thought, but more just by being plain shy. At 38 years old I could quite easily look at my life to this point and be ashamed for losing out on so much time, but since having connected with my Filipina I have come to realise that the timing is actually perfect. Maybe all the relationships of the past have actually been 'building' to this point? Friends I have known over the years have always known me to have a respect for love, but right now I have to say that I feel I can really appreciate the true scale of the possible love I may now have, and agree with you all in the attitude that I wouldn’t change a thing. In spite of the stresses wrought by LDR’s, I really do believe it ultimately makes for a much more rewarding relationship. I’m sure the doubters would be horrified by the idea of removing the 'sooner than is usually wise' ritual sex aspect from a new boyfriend/girlfriend encounter – for me I think it has only strengthened it. Through all the emotional up's and down's, I have experienced some remarkable feelings over the course of our friendship turned relationship, enough to make me question whether I have ever really felt true love before now.

    ‘Northerner’ – best of luck to you and your Filipina in your relationship my friend! In fact best of luck to us all! May wisdom settle on those less fortunate, wherever life may take them. Peace!

  9. #39
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    That's a fine post HopeUK

    Like Northerner and many others using this forum you have made a decision which will change your life for the better.
    Life isn't a rehearsal and the moments you will ultimately share with your new love will make all of the waiting and wondering worthwhile and in spades too.

    It is the quiet times that we spend with our Mahals that are the most rewarding. A Filipina's love is never-ending and comes at you like a constant river of warmth.

    There will be pitfalls on the journey and probably in life when you live together but when you look at her every day you will smile at the good fortune you are in because of the good choices you made earlier.

    Best of luck to you, and indeed to all the folk separated now, but not forever

  10. #40
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    That's a fine post HopeUK

    Like Northerner and many others using this forum you have made a decision which will change your life for the better.
    Life isn't a rehearsal and the moments you will ultimately share with your new love will make all of the waiting and wondering worthwhile and in spades too.

    It is the quiet times that we spend with our Mahals that are the most rewarding. A Filipina's love is never-ending and comes at you like a constant river of warmth.

    There will be pitfalls on the journey and probably in life when you live together but when you look at her every day you will smile at the good fortune you are in because of the good choices you made earlier.

    Best of luck to you, and indeed to all the folk separated now, but not forever

    well said

  11. #41
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    I had a few 'did you bring her over?' questions. They were more embarassed when I told them we met in my local pub.

    Anyway the internet is just another way of meeting someone, no worse or better than in work or in a bar or nightclub.
    Im surprised how many people reveal to me, well i met my Wife/partner on the Internet or via classifieds (newspapers or magazines) even many of the broadsheets. Often many of these to the group (office, pub or social circle) imply they met by chance as in person
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  12. #42
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    I'm a bit late spotting this thread Northerner, but belated congrats for coming out
    Personally, I don't really care what others think, I told most of my family, my friends and colleagues within a few weeks of meeting my love. I even told my wife about her mainly to get her to hurry up with our divorce, although that doesn't seem to have happened yet
    Sure most people looked at me as if to say 'what are you doing, you are going to get ripped off, she probably already has a husband or a boyfriend, she's only after your money or a British passport...', you know all the usual rubbish people say to all of us on here. A few people have been braver and said it to my face, and I've heard some of the behind my back comments, including those from my wife.
    Like some of the others have said, we will prove them all wrong. 5 months to the day after we first met in Singapore, our relationship is still strong. Anything from an hour to 3 hours a day for 5 months on Skype, Yahoo, Google, Facebook..etc, plus 11 days with her in January and 18 more to come in April tell me that our love is genuine, and whilst i don't doubt she sees me as security, she wouldn't continue if she didn't love me first and foremost. I can also guarantee that she will cost me a lot less than my wife has, and so what? I can't take it with me when I'm gone, and after 15 years of unhappiness I am going to be happy for the rest of my life, and screw anyone whoo doesn't support me or wants to see me fall on my face

  13. #43
    Respected Member HopeUK's Avatar
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    Aposhark.. thanks for the kind words there! As we get nearer to April it is all beginning to fall into place. I have to say the experience has so far felt very 'virtual' but as you say, when you get together with someone and spend real time with each other, that is the 'magic' time! Unlike the other aspects of organising a holiday, the 'shopping list' can't prepare you for how the first meeting with your love is going to feel. I think I mentioned elsewhere the feeling another person expressed on another forum when he got together with his Malaysian girlfriend after a year of chatting. He said it was the strangest feeling to meet with someone who was both a physical stranger and yet at the same time an emotional partner. I get the feeling I'm going to have similar goosebumps..

    Forums are usually places for hotly-contested debate, but I think I've found the first one where through all the up's and down's, pretty much everybody considers themselves the luckiest person who ever lived!

    Englishman2010 - Worry not about all the naysayers eh!? We all seem to have these stresses to contend with. I suppose there will always be some measure of security from a Filipina's point of view - if the roles were reversed for the 'doubters', that would change from a 'negative' to a 'positive point of empathy' VERY QUICKLY I think! Although the west is not the haven of 'eternal utopian bliss' it may be painted as, I'm sure life is generally more calm and less extreme than many countries - we do seem to enjoy a more modest display of 'daily life' even when it's doing it's worst. There's perhaps still the interracial element too that some individuals can't get around.. the one constant spear of the masses, many of whom likey haven't tried reaching beyond their own social circle (pushed and pulled by social engineering?? oops, might have another controvertial thread there..? ).

    I see it like this. As Aposhark says, Life is NOT a rehearsal. There are many things we can manage perfectly well without - love ISN'T one of them. When covering the matter of my travelling halfway around the world for a 'possibility', I recall telling my mahal that love should never be passed up lightly. For me, I believe you should keep the woman you love in your heart, live and laugh in every moment, try to show her every day how much you love her - kiss and cuddle her, make her feel every bit as special as she really is (ladies, coming from an honourable man believe me when I say that try as 'we' might, if as men we are truly in love we will never manage this to our satisfaction, ever) and keep doing so, until the curtain falls..

    How good a life is that!?


  14. #44
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    sigh of relief for you then eh? .. hehehe....

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