I realise that I may not exactly be as yet qualified to speak to this point with my ‘fledgling relationship’ (for those reading this without the back story, I’m going to meet my Filipina for the first time this April), but I felt moved to chip in a little with support regarding the good attitudes I have read in this posting..

I was recently reminded by a good friend that I should feel proud for taking life ‘by the horns’ and reaching for what I felt inside. So many people (and many of these will be the oft-mentioned 'doubters and ignorants' in this post I’m sure) live their lives by other people’s rules and expectations. Time and again, for quite a few reasons I've failed to 'seize the day' in my personal life, and I have to admit it has often been due to a lack of personal fortitude - not worrying about what others thought, but more just by being plain shy. At 38 years old I could quite easily look at my life to this point and be ashamed for losing out on so much time, but since having connected with my Filipina I have come to realise that the timing is actually perfect. Maybe all the relationships of the past have actually been 'building' to this point? Friends I have known over the years have always known me to have a respect for love, but right now I have to say that I feel I can really appreciate the true scale of the possible love I may now have, and agree with you all in the attitude that I wouldn’t change a thing. In spite of the stresses wrought by LDR’s, I really do believe it ultimately makes for a much more rewarding relationship. I’m sure the doubters would be horrified by the idea of removing the 'sooner than is usually wise' ritual sex aspect from a new boyfriend/girlfriend encounter – for me I think it has only strengthened it. Through all the emotional up's and down's, I have experienced some remarkable feelings over the course of our friendship turned relationship, enough to make me question whether I have ever really felt true love before now.

‘Northerner’ – best of luck to you and your Filipina in your relationship my friend! In fact best of luck to us all! May wisdom settle on those less fortunate, wherever life may take them. Peace!