Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
Today was the 3rd. time that I have been ripped off by a BDO hole in the wall machine in Manila(Mall of Asia)....when I told the Bank official, he just said he could not do anything about it, just get in touch with my Bank over there in the UK. Yes, right..as if they can do anything about it....I was warned by two other ex-pats to be wary of the hole in the wall machines here...so maybe I can pass on this little warning..now we use my wife's card and it seems to be ok.. I just use the Internet to pass over cash to her account and we take it out then together (I trust her implicitly) Hope this helps someone, just check your account afterwards to see if all is OK.
Unfortunately banks everywhere in the world work differently. If that happened here in the UK, although your account is for example with Natwest and you used a Lloyds ATM machine - Lloyds will open up the cashpoint, do a report and then find your missing money. In the Philippines, it doesn't work that way. My auntie had some money stolen from her account at BDO and nothing ever happened to it. She didn't get her money back at all. I've never known banks in the Philippines to open up their cash machines if you report that the money didn't come out when you tried to withdraw some cash. They always tell you to go report it to your bank as your bank should be able to see your attempt to withdraw some money and if it was successful or not. That happened to me when I went to the Philippines in May. I was asked to contact my bank here in the UK as I couldn't get any cash from the cashpoint and I've been told by my bank that they can see that I've tried to use the card in the Phils but that I keep putting in the wrong pin! But the ATM in the Philippines didn't tell me that - it only says "this service is unavailable right now" so if I hadn't contacted my bank in the UK I wouldn't have known that it was my fault! LOL