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    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Today was the 3rd. time that I have been ripped off by a BDO hole in the wall machine in Manila(Mall of Asia)....when I told the Bank official, he just said he could not do anything about it, just get in touch with my Bank over there in the UK. Yes, if they can do anything about it....I was warned by two other ex-pats to be wary of the hole in the wall machines maybe I can pass on this little we use my wife's card and it seems to be ok.. I just use the Internet to pass over cash to her account and we take it out then together (I trust her implicitly) Hope this helps someone, just check your account afterwards to see if all is OK.

  2. #2
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    My debit card never worked with BDO for some reason. So I never used them

  3. #3
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    When you say you were "ripped off" you dont say what happened. Short payout of cash.? No payout of cash.? Most visitors to the Philippines nowadays use this method to withdraw cash. I use them all the time, BDO included and have never had a problem other than the fact that they are often "out of service" or "out of cash"..!! But never been ripped off. Did you check your acount to see if money had been taken out..?


  4. #4
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Sorry Scot5man...I was a bit upset before...there was No payout of cash and the money Was taken out of my account (I have Internet access to the account)...I've just been back to the BDO Bank and had a talk with the manager? and he says he is sorry but they cannot do anything about it. I have to inform my Bank in the UK. and tell them what happened and they can take it from there...Sorry to say, there is not a fat chance my Bank will even look into happened here, so the problem and answer lies here. I just wanted to warn anyone to this problem, it has happened to a friend and an American man whom I know also. Maybe these are isolated cases? but just be aware that it does happen.

  5. #5
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Had it happen in spain once and my bank recredited my account

    I normaly use Metro never a single problem
    Absit invidia

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  6. #6
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    I had a problem with an ATM in Penang.

    When it did not pay out, I loitered nearby to see if anyone came to collect the cash, thinking maybe someone had blocked the machine. The next two people had problems too.

    I contacted my bank, Nationwide. As I was away from my home country, they just had me fax a letter explaining what happening and within a few hours the sum was credited to my account.

  7. #7
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    A quick update on my little problem. Myself and wife went to Starbucks for a coffee and when we came out, the guard from the BDO Bank across the way came over to us and said the manager? wanted to see us..the young couple who had used the ATM after us, reported to the teller inside that they had got 5,000 peso's instead of 500p. I had tried to get 4,500p. so he assumed it was my money they had recieved as well. I signed a form, he handed the money to me, I said thank you...and then he told me this had happened before on occasions......I just left....Big thank you to the couple who took the money back.....We went back to Starbucks, told the guy in there and he also told us about other people telling him about losing their money also. So maybe beware and check your money closely when using an ATM. in Manila.

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The scammers shove something in the hole (like cellotape ) to catch the cash...You were very lucky that the next customer was there to intercept it and have the decency to hand it in...Not normally the case either here or in the UK.. Perhaps Offer a small reward to promote this type of honesty.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    The scammers shove something in the whole (like cello tape ) to catch the cash...You were very lucky that the next customer was there to intercept it and have the decency to hand it in...Not normally the case either here or in the UK.. Perhaps Offer a small reward to promote this type of honsety.
    Fred I rather think that if the looped tape had been used ("Lebanese Loop") it would have trapped the card, not prevented the cash coming out. It would also have meant that the next customer could not have putt other card in.

    It would seem that there was a malfunction in the mechanism of the ATM, which should/could have been found if the machine had been opened at the back, in the bank.

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    There have been many cases here where the log jam has occured in the cash hole..(not where the card is placed)
    We have had some issues here with ATM`s here our selves..The problem is that the banks that we use insist that you use the ATM`s maximum before asking for counter withdrawals inside the bank itself.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Kju&2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Today was the 3rd. time that I have been ripped off by a BDO hole in the wall machine in Manila(Mall of Asia)....when I told the Bank official, he just said he could not do anything about it, just get in touch with my Bank over there in the UK. Yes, if they can do anything about it....I was warned by two other ex-pats to be wary of the hole in the wall machines maybe I can pass on this little we use my wife's card and it seems to be ok.. I just use the Internet to pass over cash to her account and we take it out then together (I trust her implicitly) Hope this helps someone, just check your account afterwards to see if all is OK.
    Unfortunately banks everywhere in the world work differently. If that happened here in the UK, although your account is for example with Natwest and you used a Lloyds ATM machine - Lloyds will open up the cashpoint, do a report and then find your missing money. In the Philippines, it doesn't work that way. My auntie had some money stolen from her account at BDO and nothing ever happened to it. She didn't get her money back at all. I've never known banks in the Philippines to open up their cash machines if you report that the money didn't come out when you tried to withdraw some cash. They always tell you to go report it to your bank as your bank should be able to see your attempt to withdraw some money and if it was successful or not. That happened to me when I went to the Philippines in May. I was asked to contact my bank here in the UK as I couldn't get any cash from the cashpoint and I've been told by my bank that they can see that I've tried to use the card in the Phils but that I keep putting in the wrong pin! But the ATM in the Philippines didn't tell me that - it only says "this service is unavailable right now" so if I hadn't contacted my bank in the UK I wouldn't have known that it was my fault! LOL
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  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekks View Post
    Unfortunately banks everywhere in the world work differently. If that happened here in the UK, although your account is for example with Natwest and you used a Lloyds ATM machine - Lloyds will open up the cashpoint, do a report and then find your missing money. In the Philippines, it doesn't work that way. My auntie had some money stolen from her account at BDO and nothing ever happened to it. She didn't get her money back at all. I've never known banks in the Philippines to open up their cash machines if you report that the money didn't come out when you tried to withdraw some cash. They always tell you to go report it to your bank as your bank should be able to see your attempt to withdraw some money and if it was successful or not. That happened to me when I went to the Philippines in May. I was asked to contact my bank here in the UK as I couldn't get any cash from the cashpoint and I've been told by my bank that they can see that I've tried to use the card in the Phils but that I keep putting in the wrong pin! But the ATM in the Philippines didn't tell me that - it only says "this service is unavailable right now" so if I hadn't contacted my bank in the UK I wouldn't have known that it was my fault! LOL

    Another problem is that somtimes after giving a good pin the money is still unavailable,,We checked this in the branch and the amount had checked as being withdrawn.. The staff say that this amount will be credited within a week and so far it has!! Had it been an emergency then we may have been in trouble!!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Kju&2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Another problem is that somtimes after giving a good pin the money is still unavailable,,We checked this in the branch and the amount had checked as being withdrawn.. The staff say that this amount will be credited within a week and so far it has!! Had it been an emergency then we may have been in trouble!!
    Yeah, I agree that's a bit of a bugger. I used to work at a bank and I'm trying to remember if we open cash points for people who have used their credit cards or cards from abroad on our ATM. I think we only do if their card had been eaten by the machine - as long as they got all the required ID we will give it back to them, otherwise we cut it up . If they're disputing that money hasn't come out when they tried to withdraw - I think we just ask them to fill out a claim form and contact their banks as well 'cos we got no way of telling if they were telling the truth or not as we can't look into their accounts.. hence probably why in the Philippines they don't bother with all that hassle and just say report it to your bank.
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  14. #14
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekks View Post
    Yeah, I agree that's a bit of a bugger. I used to work at a bank and I'm trying to remember if we open cash points for people who have used their credit cards or cards from abroad on our ATM. I think we only do if their card had been eaten by the machine - as long as they got all the required ID we will give it back to them, otherwise we cut it up . If they're disputing that money hasn't come out when they tried to withdraw - I think we just ask them to fill out a claim form and contact their banks as well 'cos we got no way of telling if they were telling the truth or not as we can't look into their accounts.. hence probably why in the Philippines they don't bother with all that hassle and just say report it to your bank.
    Hi, as far as i can remember bank personnels know if the client is telling the truth or not. In case there is a complain like machine didn't dispense the cash, they have to make complaints right there and then and fill up a form. Then the Cashier or Cash Custodian or any authorized bank personnel who does the refill of cash on trays does the balancing of the same at the end of the day. There is a receipt that indicates the cash in and out. Amount on the balance should tally with the actual cash. They will know if there is excess cash.
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  15. #15
    Respected Member Kju&2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
    Hi, as far as i can remember bank personnels know if the client is telling the truth or not. In case there is a complain like machine didn't dispense the cash, they have to make complaints right there and then and fill up a form. Then the Cashier or Cash Custodian or any authorized bank personnel who does the refill of cash on trays does the balancing of the same at the end of the day. There is a receipt that indicates the cash in and out. Amount on the balance should tally with the actual cash. They will know if there is excess cash.
    Hi. Sorry I phrased my reply wrong as I was in a rush. What I meant to say by we can't tell if they were telling the truth or not if they bank elsewhere was that we can't just take their word for it if they say that the cashpoint didn't dispense any money without doing a further investigation on the cashpoint at the end of the day by balancing it out. We can't just hand out the money to them as soon as they have notified us that they didn't get their cash as unfortunately - there are people out there who's out to scam and steal. If they happen to bank with the same bank that they used the atm on - the tellers could look into their accounts straight away to see if the money had been debited or not as sometimes it could just be a fault on the atm and their account wasn't debited anyway. What I actually meant to say was that if at the end of the day - the cashpoints were checked and we've found that the cashpoint's balanced and not in credit or debit - then we just advice the customers to fill out the dispute form and also contact their banks. I read what I said and it did come out wrong so my apologies!!
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  16. #16
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    The problem is that the banks that we use insist that you use the ATM`s maximum before asking for counter withdrawals inside the bank itself.
    What is the ATM withdrawal limit? On my last visit quite a few machines declined my card, but would then be OK the next day I tried (same ammount in my account). I was thinking next time I may just withdraw a larger ammount to save any trouble. At one point I was down to my last few pesos, praying the machine would cough up. Luckily it did.

  17. #17
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    What is the ATM withdrawal limit? On my last visit quite a few machines declined my card, but would then be OK the next day I tried (same ammount in my account). I was thinking next time I may just withdraw a larger ammount to save any trouble. At one point I was down to my last few pesos, praying the machine would cough up. Luckily it did.
    Depends on the bank.. Sometimes 10k others 20K per day..

  18. #18
    Respected Member Kju&2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    What is the ATM withdrawal limit? On my last visit quite a few machines declined my card, but would then be OK the next day I tried (same ammount in my account). I was thinking next time I may just withdraw a larger ammount to save any trouble. At one point I was down to my last few pesos, praying the machine would cough up. Luckily it did.
    I think in the Phils, maximum withdrawal is P5k each time - then maximum of P20k per day. We bought a laptop in the Phils when we went travelling in 2007 and was able to withdraw 4 lots of P5k in one day

    Here in England I think it's £200 per day, although I can't remember as I have not had that much money available for me to withdraw in one day in such a long time. LOL
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekks View Post
    I think in the Phils, maximum withdrawal is P5k each time - then maximum of P20k per day. We bought a laptop in the Phils when we went travelling in 2007 and was able to withdraw 4 lots of P5k in one day

    Here in England I think it's £200 per day, although I can't remember as I have not had that much money available for me to withdraw in one day in such a long time. LOL
    Four years ago in Manila I found that different bank's ATMs would pay out different amounts. With some I had to make several withdrawals, one after the other, to draw the daily maximum allowed by my bank in UK. HSBC were the only bank that allowed me to draw all my daily max in one go.

  20. #20
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    i just use cash...i bring it with me...and i keep it in my asawas room...all safe and there when i need it

  21. #21
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hello again, this morning I left 1,000p for the young couple at the Bank for their honesty. Yes it's 5,000 peso's limit each time you use the ATM here but it will allow me to go to my UK. limit of £300 all at one time. but I try never to do that much. I use my Nationwide ATM card here as they do not charge me anything (Nationwide flex card, in charges) and it also allows me to take out such as £42 (odd amounts etc) not the standard £10 or £20 as in the UK. Which is very handy indeed, but they will not take cheques here (tried to buy a motorbike by cheque)...Anyway, now going back to Limaswa, so don't need Banks there..hehehe..thanks for all the advice...By the way, I was told by the young girl in the bank that the ATM's DO jam a lot, so just try another 100 peso's withdrawl and you will get the original amount + the 100 peso's next time....A strange way to do business??..

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    .............. I use my Nationwide ATM card here as they do not charge me anything (Nationwide flex card, in charges).........
    Hi Jack Mac, I realise you are telling us what your actual experience but we have found that even a Nationwide (visa) CASH CARD do attract a chargre unless one uses an ATM which has a 'Visa' symbol.

    I contacted BPI and Metro bank. Both said they charge. This is the reply from BPI

    Dear Mr. XXXXXXXXx:

    Greetings from BPI Direct!

    Please be advised of the following applicable charges when you transact at any BPI or BPI Family Savings Bank (BFB) ATMs using your Visa cash card:

    - Balance Inquiry: USD 1.00
    - Withdrawal: USD 3.50
    - Cancelled Transaction: USD 0.50

    If you need further assistance or have other concerns, you may send us an e-mail at

    Thank you for choosing to bank with us online!

    Lilac Condino
    The BPI E-mailbanking Team

    When we send money to Pinas, which is drawn there on a CASH CARD, we now use ONLY ATMs with a Visa symbol, those are free for a CASH CARD. I believe Nationwide charge for Debit Card withdrawals, in certain countries, including Pinas.

    Regards John

  23. #23
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    Nationwide did not used to charge you for using your debit card anywhere in the world until June 2009.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekks View Post
    Nationwide did not used to charge you for using your debit card anywhere in the world until June 2009.

    EKKS. Just to clarify. The charges which are referred to in the email reply from BPI are charges which they add, not Nationwide.

    But as you say, although a previous poster, Jack Mac, says not, Nationwide now charge for cash withdrawals on Debit outside Europe. Cash Cards are still free, as far as Nationwide are concerned, everywhere,

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    EKKS. Just to clarify. The charges which are referred to in the email reply from BPI are charges which they add, not Nationwide.

    But as you say, although a previous poster, Jack Mac, says not, Nationwide now charge for cash withdrawals on Debit outside Europe. Cash Cards are still free, as far as Nationwide are concerned, everywhere,
    Hi John! Yes sorry that's what I meant. I've just woken up from my afternoon pregnancy nap so not really fully awake yet. you can't use cash cards abroad tho can you 'cos it doesn't have a visa sign? I only got their flex so not familiar with the cash card
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    i have got so totally lost with this post.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. #27
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I only tried BDO once with my card & it would't give me any money.
    I always look for a BPI ATM. Never had any problems, withdrawing 10,000 php each transaction.....but always pray, everytime I put my card in.

  28. #28
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi Ekks, I can remember the cash accounts you're referring to. We have that in the Phils for those that wanted to open a CA they have to start by maintaing a SA first for a couple of months and acct is classified as CASH ONLY or for those that has mishandled their CA can just have this type of acct. Not so sure nowadays maybe they have improved it. Also loads of cards are now being introduced. Not sure here in the UK if they have that type of acct (cash only).

    The cash cards that some filipinos use in withdrawing their remittances in the Phils can also be used in Dept Stores, for utility bills etc. (ex. BDO). I just learned this from a fellow filipina.
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  29. #29
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hi again..I use my Nationwide Flex(savings)cash account card (the one with CIRRUS on it) and the Nationwide do stil notl charge anything for using it..Worldwide..but the ATM needs to show the CIRRUS sign on the front and the BDO ATM's myself worried so I emailed my sister in law who works at the Nationwide in the UK, and she put me straight on what I can do abroad with my card. She just stippulated that the CIRRUS card is the only one that I can use and accrue no charges from Nationwide....although I have come accross some ATM's I can use here but they charge up to 150p each time I use them, so I steer clear of them...Sorry if I caused any confussion, just wanted people to be aware of the dangers of the ATM's here....

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackmac452 View Post
    Hi again..I use my Nationwide Flex(savings)cash account card (the one with CIRRUS on it) and the Nationwide do stil notl charge anything for using it..Worldwide..but the ATM needs to show the CIRRUS sign on the front and the BDO ATM's myself worried so I emailed my sister in law who works at the Nationwide in the UK, and she put me straight on what I can do abroad with my card. She just stippulated that the CIRRUS card is the only one that I can use and accrue no charges from Nationwide....although I have come accross some ATM's I can use here but they charge up to 150p each time I use them, so I steer clear of them...Sorry if I caused any confussion, just wanted people to be aware of the dangers of the ATM's here....
    She just stipulated that the CIRRUS card is the only one that I can use and accrue no charges from Nationwide.

    From what you say then there must be at least two possibility for free use of CASH CARDS, as the one the relatives have in Pinas does not have a 'Cirrus' symbol on it, it has a 'Visa' and, as I have said above, when used in an ATM with the visa symbol it use is free at the ATM and in the flex account, when used in a Cirrus, as conformed by the email copied above from BPI there is a charge.

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