... well ... didn't want to say this, Simon ... in case it appeared as though I were a "walking advert" for its rivals ... but I WILL: It's my local Tesco, I'd been referring to, actually. Fair do's, this chain operates a 'non-ageist' policy. But it HAS to be said; an awful lot of the old biddies I mentioned, are long past their "sell by dates" - MY vintage and beyond - and I've yet to behold anything other than the begrutten facial expressions

that seem to be a dominant feature of their countenance; it's as if they lived in constant fear of their faces disintegrating if they dared to smile!
And no, in MY experience, those checkout assistants that ask if I need a hand in packing, invariably tend to be of the younger mould!

I do hope no one here's mums [or grannies] happen to work in Tesco's or they'll be down on me like the proverbial ton of