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Thread: Standards Of Service

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Arthur Little Standards Of Service 17th February 2010, 15:50
triple5 The UK has the worst customer... 17th February 2010, 16:06
les_taxi Yep all above I agree with.... 17th February 2010, 16:27
triple5 Good on ya... 17th February 2010, 16:34
aromulus :NoNo: How inconsiderate... 17th February 2010, 18:12
Arthur Little :iagree:, Les ... that just... 17th February 2010, 19:36
Doc Alan You mean away in the Manger ?... 17th February 2010, 17:43
Arthur Little :cwm24: *Oops ... EVEN my... 17th February 2010, 19:51
triple5 If I could find any I would... 17th February 2010, 17:50
Arthur Little :ARsurrender: ... ME too!! 17th February 2010, 19:46
laurel As said before in recent post... 17th February 2010, 18:23
Arthur Little I can well-understand how you... 17th February 2010, 20:25
laurel Quite right Arthur. one thing... 17th February 2010, 20:53
bornatbirth the only thing wrong with... 17th February 2010, 20:56
Florge oh well... just remembered... 17th February 2010, 21:17
adam&chryss I`d say Phil is like it was... 19th February 2010, 20:00
Arthur Little Yeah ... but there's a "happy... 19th February 2010, 23:17
bornatbirth i would of thought you would... 20th February 2010, 00:04
Arthur Little D'you know what amazes me?... 20th February 2010, 00:36
keithAngel He was trained 19th February 2010, 20:32
aposhark I think that we have to... 19th February 2010, 21:05
adam&chryss I agree regarding tips.... 19th February 2010, 22:29
aposhark I couldn't agree more :) 20th February 2010, 22:32
Arthur Little Mmm ... yes ... 'SOME' being... 19th February 2010, 23:35
Arthur Little ... and they don't get any... 19th February 2010, 23:58
bornatbirth they seem be a lot nicer down... 20th February 2010, 10:59
triple5 No smiles here in the... 20th February 2010, 11:05
Doc Alan Just been to Tescos where the... 20th February 2010, 12:34
Sim11UK What do you mean by... 20th February 2010, 12:45
Doc Alan Didn't say they weren't... 20th February 2010, 13:38
Sim11UK Alan I wasn't implying you... 20th February 2010, 14:55
keithAngel In the Phils its hard to... 20th February 2010, 20:30
Arthur Little :Erm: ... well ... didn't... 20th February 2010, 13:52
Sim11UK Well fair enough Arthur,... 20th February 2010, 14:53
joebloggs i suppose you don't drink... 20th February 2010, 13:32
Doc Alan I do drink and I always... 20th February 2010, 13:39
bornatbirth yes, they do ask everybody... 20th February 2010, 13:20
triple5 That's something I've noticed... 20th February 2010, 13:20
aposhark Yes too true................... 20th February 2010, 22:39
Doc Alan That thought crossed my mind... 20th February 2010, 23:29
aposhark Golf is Flog spelt backwards,... 21st February 2010, 01:06
Florge i guess the calling of "sir"... 22nd February 2010, 00:17
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  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    What do you mean by that?...They ask everybody, if they need help packing.
    It must be their policy?
    The majority, I find in Tesco's etc. are very polite & quite cheerful, something I wouldn't be, if I was working there.
    ... well ... didn't want to say this, Simon ... in case it appeared as though I were a "walking advert" for its rivals ... but I WILL: It's my local Tesco, I'd been referring to, actually. Fair do's, this chain operates a 'non-ageist' policy. But it HAS to be said; an awful lot of the old biddies I mentioned, are long past their "sell by dates" - MY vintage and beyond - and I've yet to behold anything other than the begrutten facial expressions that seem to be a dominant feature of their countenance; it's as if they lived in constant fear of their faces disintegrating if they dared to smile!

    And no, in MY experience, those checkout assistants that ask if I need a hand in packing, invariably tend to be of the younger mould! I do hope no one here's mums [or grannies] happen to work in Tesco's or they'll be down on me like the proverbial ton of

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... well ... didn't want to say this, Simon ... in case it appeared as though I were a "walking advert" for its rivals ... but I WILL: It's my local Tesco, I'd been referring to, actually. Fair do's, this chain operates a 'non-ageist' policy. But it HAS to be said; an awful lot of the old biddies I mentioned, are long past their "sell by dates" - MY vintage and beyond - and I've yet to behold anything other than the begrutten facial expressions that seem to be a dominant feature of their countenance; it's as if they lived in constant fear of their faces disintegrating if they dared to smile!

    And no, in MY experience, those checkout assistants that ask if I need a hand in packing, invariably tend to be of the younger mould! I do hope no one here's mums [or grannies] happen to work in Tesco's or they'll be down on me like the proverbial ton of
    Well fair enough Arthur, there are some miserable ones, but on the whole I think most do a good job...Just my experience.

    Again, as I said before, I can't remember them not asking if I needed help packing. They ask everyone young & old, so don't be offended by that.
    You could have an injury, or not feeling well, whatever age you are...personally I think it's quite nice.

    I always just smile at them & say no, I'm fine thanks, when they ask.

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