Quote Originally Posted by johnandlani View Post
I finally married my Filipina fiancee in Dubai on Dec 9th after months of collecting cnis and paperwork from U.K and the Philippines, she is on a visitors visa there and working as a dental nurse, but her visa expires on Jan5th and she has to leave the country for 48 hours and return to renew her visa. She wants to join me in the U.K but U.K.Visas say she must return to the Philippines to apply for her spouse visa from there. Her employer in Dubai says he will sponsor her for U.A.R. residency for £1200 , then she could apply for a spouse visa from there. This seems a lot of money, any thoughts or advice most welcome.....John
She must apply for this visa in her country of residence.
She seems to have only a visitor in Dubai so she's not residing here (and if she's working ... it may be illegal work too as she seems not to have a work visa).
So in this case, I'm afraid there's no other way than starting the process with the British Embassy in Manila.
In my opinion, it will be safer (ans less costly) for you to pay the flight back and the visa processing in the Philippines rather than accepting the sponsering (and safer too, as you have to be sure you can trust the sponsor; if for the moment he employs illegaly your wife, I would be doubtful!).