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Thread: can i have your help again plssssss..ty

  1. #1
    Member reaandandrew's Avatar
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    can i have your help again plssssss..ty

    hello everyone this is rea and you've help us a lot with our visa application last time, im now here in scotland with andrew my husband for 2 months now its a great country but im missing the heat of the sun already and my loving family back in PI ofcourse..but anyway i wish to once again hear your advice and help for a friend whom i met here in edinburgh.. she's been living here for coming up to 5 years now, the fitst 3years she's on student visa and she was given a 2 years work visa after she graduated in University. her work visa will expire in november this year. my question is, is she eligible to apply for ILR already with her 5 year stay despite 3 years of it is under student visa? thank u in advance..
    The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    no i don't think so.
    student visa and psw (which i think your friends has ) i think are only valid when applying under the 10yr legal stay rule..

    and it's possible the 10yr route could end next yr

    so your friend should move to another visa type, tier 1 if she can, or marry someone b4 her visa expires .

  3. #3
    Member reaandandrew's Avatar
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    thanks so much joe, you're always very helpful.
    The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    just realised your friend will need at least a masters degree to be able to apply for a tier 1 visa thou this might change back to a degree soon

    has your friend a b/f here? and have they been living together at least 2yrs if she has ?

  5. #5
    Member reaandandrew's Avatar
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    no she doesnt have a british bf here... i think what she'll do is to study here again, probably masterals.. not quite sure though.. anyway, thanks really joe just thought ill ask u guys here as she's confuse on what to do.
    The worst part of life is waiting. The best part of life is having someone worth waiting for.

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