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Thread: arrival at uk passport control

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  1. #1
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    arrival at uk passport control

    my fiancee arrives next week at manchester airport.
    any advice on what documents she should have readily available at the passport control desk and what questions she is likley to be asked, so that i can prepare her .of course if she was polish, romanian, bulgarian or a criminal it wouldnt be needed.
    thanks in anticipation

  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    my experience

    all has been checked on me is my passport and my visa and then they would take some information from it then they will ask if is your fiance will be there to pick you up at the airport and what is the set day for the wedding and thats all i can remember they never ask for any more documents...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Should be a formality, however, your fiancee may be required to undertake a medical, Im not sure whether this happens at Manchester, but it is something that happens at Heathrow, health screening is common now, most of our partners managed to escape it, I told the immigration officer, that my wife was pregnant, and she let us go through without any problems, you can always try that, and say you think she is pregnant.

    The downside of being asked to attend for health screening, is that if their are other people waiting to see a Doctor, it can slow your progress through immigration, but you will just have to suck it and see, I take it she is coming unnacompanied, so there isnt much you can do, just tell her, to say she thinks she is pregnant, and they will probably wave her through.

    As previoius poster has said, just the passport, and you being available to collect her..apart from that, nothing else to worry about.

    Good Luck John, and I suppose you will be pole vaulting through arrivals leaping over tall buildings and climbing large mountains....enjoy ka !

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I think from the reading i have done of others experiences Heathrow are one of the few that do screening not sure about Manchester but could try and find out if it helps?

    Pete said it all she only need her passport and you being around make sure you bring your own passport just in case.

    They will ask her some questions from what i have seen when waiting for my Wife to go though passport control at Gatwick and Heathrow.
    Most officers are very polite just make sure she knows or has written down basic information like your home address, as im sure my Wife was asked for it in the medical. When we got though to the medical at terminal four at heathrow the little room was empty and took a few mintues to do, as usual the paperwork took longer!

    Also make sure she fills in her landing card on the plane best to bring a decent pen ( i mean one thats not going to run out or leak in a bag) as you need to fill in bits in phill airport on the way and then the landing card on the way in to blighty.

    The landing card info is basic from memory its her name, age and/or dob, oppcupation and the address she is to stay at (please correct me if im wrong peeps)

    Nothing to worry about at all.

    May I wish you your Fiancee a safe Journey and you a not to long wait in the Airport.

  5. #5
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    thanks for the advice guys, and yes pete i have already broken a tablelamp in the house when i did a somersalt upon alona telling me her visa was granted, but whats another little expense after all we pay to the embassy.

  6. #6
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    when i travel to come here in england...i know heathrow is the busiest aiport and has more requirement for entering uk and i would possibly miss my flight cause when my fiance went back from the philippines he missed two flights back home...... since my final destination is in durham teeside i find a flight that will get me straight there and not going into heathrow anymore never had medical checkup...nor filling some forms...the immmigration officer just stamp my passport check my visa and ask for set wedding date look on me for a while then thats it...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  7. #7
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    when i first came in UK i had a tourist visa,when i arrived in heathrow the officer asked me who's my sponsor,and i said my boyfriend and that it no more following question....when i got my spouse visa they dont asked me any question he just looked at me and that it and of course they check my passport n visa.

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