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Thread: How can I get my daughter to the UK?

  1. #1
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    How can I get my daughter to the UK?

    Hi - this is my first post so please be gentle. I am pinay, and have a two year old daughter who holds a British passport as her father is British. He still supports her, but we are no longer involved as he already has a family in the UK. I very much want my daughter to be brought up in the UK, but her father cant take care of her, and really I want to bring her up. How can I get her to UK so she can have all the benefits of being raised there (she is after all a British Citizen)?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Respected Member aphrodite78's Avatar
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    hi newracy,

    hello and welcome to the forum. i am not too familiar with how you could get your daughter to get here in the uk. perhaps some forum members can help you with your queries. again welcome aboard and hopefully you'll find the answer to your queries.
    "Success is not about how much money you have; it's about the choices you can make in life"

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    Hi - this is my first post so please be gentle. I am pinay, and have a two year old daughter who holds a British passport as her father is British. He still supports her, but we are no longer involved as he already has a family in the UK. I very much want my daughter to be brought up in the UK, but her father cant take care of her, and really I want to bring her up. How can I get her to UK so she can have all the benefits of being raised there (she is after all a British Citizen)?

    Thanks for your help!
    I would say that unless you can find yourself another Brit, get married or engaged and get a visa to come to the UK yourself, the chances of getting your daughter to the UK are extremely slim.

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    Hi - this is my first post so please be gentle. I am pinay, and have a two year old daughter who holds a British passport as her father is British. He still supports her, but we are no longer involved as he already has a family in the UK. I very much want my daughter to be brought up in the UK, but her father cant take care of her, and really I want to bring her up. How can I get her to UK so she can have all the benefits of being raised there (she is after all a British Citizen)?

    Thanks for your help!
    hi newracy,

    welcome to the forum.Are u still in the Philippines or here in the UK?

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I would say that unless you can find yourself another Brit, get married or engaged and get a visa to come to the UK yourself, the chances of getting your daughter to the UK are extremely slim.
    I'm sorry to say this, Iain ... but it sounds a rather drastic measure - the young lady "HAVING", as it were, to find another British guy, purely for the sake of her daughter [who's half-English/Scots, or whatever, by blood] being brought-up in the UK. I mean ... ... SURELY there must be SOME other way ... although I confess, I DON'T know HOW ... she can fulfill her ambitions for the child's future ...

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    Hi - this is my first post so please be gentle. I am pinay, and have a two year old daughter who holds a British passport as her father is British. He still supports her, but we are no longer involved as he already has a family in the UK. I very much want my daughter to be brought up in the UK, but her father cant take care of her, and really I want to bring her up. How can I get her to UK so she can have all the benefits of being raised there (she is after all a British Citizen)?

    Thanks for your help!
    ... and

    I truly empathise with your plight. And I realise that, as a caring mother, you naturally want the best possible future for your daughter. Sadly, my co-forumer and friend, Iain is correct in reasoning that the British Embassy has extremely strict guidelines as regards granting a visa to a single parent in your situation. At the same time, I, personally, feel you would be ill-advised in embarking on a serious relationship/marriage of convenience ... simply in order to ensure your child is raised and/or educated in the UK.

    It's early days, yet. I doubt if the Embassy is likely to adopt a more lenient stance. But it MIGHT just be possible that further [alternative] opinions on the subject will be forthcoming if you continue to log onto this site.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I would stay where you are, what your daughter needs, is love from you her mother, not some perceived idea, of how great it is to live in the UK.
    If her father is supporting her & continues to support her, then you are definately better staying put. She can maybe look into coming here, when she is a young adult.

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post great it is to live in the UK.....
    Oh how we wish that was true Your trying to get in, we're all trying to get out
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    Hi - this is my first post so please be gentle. I am pinay, and have a two year old daughter who holds a British passport as her father is British. He still supports her, but we are no longer involved as he already has a family in the UK. I very much want my daughter to be brought up in the UK, but her father cant take care of her, and really I want to bring her up. How can I get her to UK so she can have all the benefits of being raised there (she is after all a British Citizen)?

    Thanks for your help!
    If her dad is supporting her, I would prefer to live there. There are some places in the Philippines that is good to raise children and study in a reputable school.

    Really it will be too hard to send your daughter here if your interest is benefits. Child benefit is not that big enough. Council house is not free and everything is expensive.

    If he's not supporting your child, I'm sure you can make actions for this.

  10. #10
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I'm sorry to say this, Iain ... but it sounds a rather drastic measure - the young lady "HAVING", as it were, to find another British guy, purely for the sake of her daughter [who's half-English/Scots, or whatever, by blood] being brought-up in the UK. I mean ... ... SURELY there must be SOME other way ... although I confess, I DON'T know HOW ... she can fulfill her ambitions for the child's future ...
    Hi Arthur, I wasn't really being too serious about her finding another Brit and getting married, I was just trying to make her understand that unless she can find a way to get a visa to come to the UK in her own right, then the chances of her daughter being allowed to come are extremely low. Even if the father was prepared to have her, look after and house her, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't give her a visa because, as they would probably see it, she has someone to care for her in the Philippines.

  11. #11
    Respected Member aphrodite78's Avatar
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    Hi newracy,

    I myself got the same question on how i could get my children to uk so that we can be a complete family but our situation is different as I am already in the uk; i've got my family here and recently been naturalized and still I myself has to go through a very strict procedure. And yeah u are right your daughter deserve better but who doesn't? But like what others said on these forum u will have a slim chance of getting you both here. If her father is supporting her that's great (mind you u are lucky because her father didn't shun on his responsibility) and if it's working that way then why change? It's not all easy here to be honest and like what penny said the benefits is not really great. It pays for some expenses for bringing up a child but not all as the cost of living is very expensive here. *And u will still have to work to enable u to pay for all the bills. And job offers is very rare. Perhaps when she's an adult and she still wants to come and live here she can apply to live here but in my honest opinion if her father is supporting her and you are not in a dire condition then it's best for u to just stay put. I am a mother as well and like you I want what's best for my kids and if only our business would thrive in the phils I wouldn't stay here I will be on the next plane out. **
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  12. #12
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    thanx guys i really appreciate your thoughts but its the father who wants us to go there,he just cant do something or he cant thik of a way on how he can help us in getting us there

  13. #13
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    is it possible for us to go there just to visit/tour for a week????????

  14. #14
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    yes i am here in the philippines

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I would say that unless you can find yourself another Brit, get married or engaged and get a visa to come to the UK yourself, the chances of getting your daughter to the UK are extremely slim.
    Can you find me Ian?hehehe

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Even if the father was prepared to have her, look after and house her, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't give her a visa because, as they would probably see it, she has someone to care for her in the Philippines.

    Ian..Are you talking about the mother or the child? The child is British so why the need for a visa??
    The childs future depends heavily on the fathers future support..Long may it continue..I agree though that he/she is better off here with the mother..
    Its a shame the little ones nationality has no bearing on the mothers prospects to live in the UK IMO... I guess another non speaking European took her place by default!

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Its a shame the little ones nationality has no bearing on the mothers prospects to live in the UK IMO... I guess another non speaking European took her place by default!
    As far as I know, in the US the mother would be given the right of entry to the US, and it seems a tad sad this is not the case in the UK. So in reality a 3yo British born kid can come and live in UK on his own, leaving mummy in the Phil!! Yep, that sounds normal and safe to me!!!
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    is it possible for us to go there just to visit/tour for a week????????
    Why not? If he can sponsor you and your baby, you have requirements, and he can support you, you can surely come here for a visit. We are all entitled to apply for visit visa and it depends upon the ECO if they will grant us visa. Have a try and tell him to send you all the supporting papers.

  19. #19
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I would say that unless you can find yourself another Brit, get married or engaged and get a visa to come to the UK yourself, the chances of getting your daughter to the UK are extremely slim.
    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    Can you find me Ian?hehehe
    If I ever tried to do that I think my wife would remove a very delicate part of my anatomy with a very sharp knife.

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    Can you find me Ian?hehehe
    for a mo , i thought you was my wife , you look a lot like her, can't be 2 of her

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    As far as I know, in the US the mother would be given the right of entry to the US, and it seems a tad sad this is not the case in the UK. So in reality a 3yo British born kid can come and live in UK on his own, leaving mummy in the Phil!! Yep, that sounds normal and safe to me!!!
    there is a right for a parent to access a child in the UK -

    but the father would have to be looking after the child, you would need money and also more difficult for you to get, you need 'The candidate holds a valid UK entry clearance for entry in this ability'

    student visa - cost you a bit.

  21. #21
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    As far as I know, in the US the mother would be given the right of entry to the US, and it seems a tad sad this is not the case in the UK. So in reality a 3yo British born kid can come and live in UK on his own, leaving mummy in the Phil!! Yep, that sounds normal and safe to me!!!

    So would an airline let A 3 year old British citizen on the plane to the UK without his mum??
    Perhaps they would send a non English speaking Afghan to pick him/her up Heathrow..Pretty certain that would be in the childs best interests in the long run..
    .Its becoming too damn embarrassing giving advice to British people abroad.. I give up!!

  22. #22
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    what are the supporting papers?

  23. #23
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    i have already filled up my visa application form but i have not submitt it or paid it for an appointment but im scared that i am not yet preapred

    the father will finance us in our visit we will be staying in a hotel for one week

    but im scared that they wont let me have tourist visa

    Can you help me guys?????????

    what are the things i need to prepare and have???????

    thanx again....

  24. #24
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    i have already filled up my visa application form but i have not submitt it or paid it for an appointment but im scared that i am not yet preapred

    the father will finance us in our visit we will be staying in a hotel for one week

    but im scared that they wont let me have tourist visa

    Can you help me guys?????????

    what are the things i need to prepare and have???????

    thanx again....

  25. #25
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    I just want to help the father in case i can go in the UK i will work hard for my daughter future father will not be always around as he is getting older..

    i believe whatever work will it be it'll be a nice salary as i am uneducated i cant get a nice job here in the philippines

  26. #26
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    I just want to help the father in case i can go in the UK i will work hard for my daughter future father will not be always around as he is getting older..

    i believe whatever work will it be it'll be a nice salary as i am uneducated i cant get a nice job here in the philippines

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    i have already filled up my visa application form but i have not submitt it or paid it for an appointment but im scared that i am not yet preapred

    the father will finance us in our visit we will be staying in a hotel for one week

    but im scared that they wont let me have tourist visa

    Can you help me guys?????????

    what are the things i need to prepare and have???????

    thanx again....
    Tell him to send you the hotel bookings for a week, his sponsor letter, copy of his bank statement, your bank statement if you have. More supporting evidence that you will comeback.
    You are not allowed to work here if your visa is tourist.
    But then you are lucky if your ex husband will spend for a week hotel, tickets, your travel insurance, food and visa. That cost a fortune.
    Fear is only in the mind. That words give me confidence!

  28. #28
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    what are the supporting papers?
    Papers that hold something up!
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #29
    Member newracy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Tell him to send you the hotel bookings for a week, his sponsor letter, copy of his bank statement, your bank statement if you have. More supporting evidence that you will comeback.
    You are not allowed to work here if your visa is tourist.
    But then you are lucky if your ex husband will spend for a week hotel, tickets, your travel insurance, food and visa. That cost a fortune.
    Fear is only in the mind. That words give me confidence!
    why will i show them the booking hotel already?what if they wont let me have a visa?is that really a requirement???

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by newracy View Post
    why will i show them the booking hotel already?what if they wont let me have a visa?is that really a requirement???
    Your accommodation is very important and usually, it is stated in your sponsor letter.
    But embassy may or may not ask your hotel reservation if your ex husband cannot accommodate you(as you said). Flight bookings is I think a requirement because I showed my bookings when I done my application. Some applicants paid their bookings and they wasted money for that because they paid their ticket already. But some airlines only accepts booking fees. That means, you only need to pay your booking, not the ticket. You also need to pay your travel insurance and that is really a requirement. The cost is depend upon the insurance company and how much requirement you need to be insured. I paid around P 9,000 for myself five years ago.

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