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Thread: Visa for my daughter with British passort?

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  1. #1
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    Visa for my daughter with British passort?

    Good day all!

    Here i am with another query please. My daughter was born here in the Ph, and is entitled to a British passport. I shall put that in motion soon, however it suddenly occured to me that she may have to have a visa once she gets the passport. Does anyone know if that is so please?

    I am hoping to be able to get her and her mother (my wife) over to the UK a.s.a.p as has already been discussed at length on another thread, but that may be quite a few months ahead.

    It is a crazy thought maybe, but it is the Ph where anything can happen as we all know!

    Thanks and regards

  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    If your dauhter will have a British passport then she will NOT need to appy for a visa.

  3. #3
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    Thank you Rusty

  4. #4
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    Hi All,
    Ive just got back from a visit to the embassy in Manila and l have to say they were really good with my kids registration and while there they suggested l apply for passports at the same time. This we did and within a week two passports approved and waiting for collection !!! Wife going to collect on Monday next week.
    Now my question is my wife has to go to some seminar to have her filipino passport changed to her married name (this is only done in Manila or Cebu) They told her in Davao she cannot renew her old passport or change the name without attending this seminar but when l read the CFO website it seems its all to do with visa applications for filipino citizens wanting to travel abroad.
    It may be a good idea for her to attend as the kids will also need filipino passports. Is this the usual process

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch33 View Post
    Hi All,
    Ive just got back from a visit to the embassy in Manila and l have to say they were really good with my kids registration and while there they suggested l apply for passports at the same time. This we did and within a week two passports approved and waiting for collection !!! Wife going to collect on Monday next week.
    Now my question is my wife has to go to some seminar to have her filipino passport changed to her married name (this is only done in Manila or Cebu) They told her in Davao she cannot renew her old passport or change the name without attending this seminar but when l read the CFO website it seems its all to do with visa applications for filipino citizens wanting to travel abroad.
    It may be a good idea for her to attend as the kids will also need filipino passports. Is this the usual process
    Yes ... your wife WILL need to attend a CFO Seminar in one or either of their two Centres in Manila or Cebu ... as is the case with ALL Filipino spouses travelling overseas to be with their partners. Not so sure about the children, though; perhaps someone else here will be able to confirm for definite.

  6. #6
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    As what Sir Arthur have said, your wife needs to attend first the CFO seminar before she can use her married name. That is one of the requirements for the passport renewal.
    She can choose where it will be convenient for her to attend the seminar- Manila or Cebu. I attended the CFO seminar (PRISM) in Manila last tues (2-16) and it just took less than 2 hours for the seminar and an hour to wait for the certificate at the CFO office. I will just have to come back for the CFO sticker when I have the visa.
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  7. #7
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    Thank you Rusty!

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    If your dauhter will have a British passport then she will NOT need to appy for a visa.
    Quote Originally Posted by JonHig View Post
    Thank you Rusty!
    ... at least that's ONE thing less to concern yourself with, John! I've been wondering though, if you've come to any firm decisions yet as regards whether you wish to settle in the UK or Ireland since the last time we were in touch ... bearing in mind your good lady's job prospects? Please feel free to message me.

  9. #9
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    Re the questions at the seminar.

    Just be aware that when they ask you questions about your spouse and his/her family, they do not know the answers, so you can say just about anything.

  10. #10
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    hi stretch33,

    sorry to interrupt the conversation but just wanna share my experience with the CFO! Since your wife is staying in Quezon city which is near The Good Shepherd Convent, she must go there... SHe just need to be there early in the morning but they have 3 sessions in one day so if she cant make it to the 1st session, then she still have the options. UK applicants are entertained everyday in the Good Shepherd Covent.

    I had my CFO seminar and my sticker in the Good Shepherd Convent. I went there early in the morning sign in the registration form in the guard, wait for my name to be called to pay and for the application form. Then attended the seminar for an hour, then a small interview then after that get the certificate of attendance and the get CFO sticker at the back of the convent... I did everything in 2 hours, then i leave PI on the next day.. As easy as that!

    Hope it helps...

  11. #11
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    Hi Abby,
    No problem, the more help the better! Funny enough l just called my missus and told her to go to Taft avenue cos she needs her CFO certifcate.
    So can she get all the requirements from the Good Shepherd convent all at one place??
    The hotel she is staying at is only 10 minutes away so it would be much better.......knowing the traffic in Manila.

    Thank you for your input

  12. #12
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    That is nice if she's staying near the Good Shepherd convent, that would be very convenient for her- less traffic and
    less pollution
    Good luck to your missus
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  13. #13
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    yes stretch33,

    she can get everything in Good Shepherd Convent...!!!!

  14. #14
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    Liane & Abby, Special thanks to you for your advice and information, thanks to everybody who commented.
    Wife got the certificate today at the Good Shepherd, she went straight there after her visit to the Embassy and they entertained her during the afternoon.
    She had to call me at 6am UK time this morning to ask my mothers maiden name !!!! and my works phone number! Seems an odd question for them to ask but still all done now.
    Thanks again

  15. #15
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch33 View Post
    Liane & Abby, Special thanks to you for your advice and information, thanks to everybody who commented.
    Wife got the certificate today at the Good Shepherd, she went straight there after her visit to the Embassy and they entertained her during the afternoon.
    She had to call me at 6am UK time this morning to ask my mothers maiden name !!!! and my works phone number! Seems an odd question for them to ask but still all done now.
    Thanks again
    As I myself and others have said before, they seem to make it up as they go along and the only way to deal with them is to beat them at their own game by making the answers up as you go along...... If they ask a stupid question and you don't know the answer, then just answer them confidently with a stupid but plausible answer.

    Q. What is the full name name of your husband's/fiance's grandmother's first cousin twice removed?
    A. Gertrude Smith.

    They don't know the answers so you can tell them whatever you like.


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