Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
... Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury & Tesco ... they're all "a bunch of toe-rags" in MY candid opinion. Tesco's "saving grace" is, of course, its Clubcard system ... plus it's nearest to me geographically; Sainsbury [I don't know about, 'cause there ain't a branch in Perth -yet - although they're reputed to be the most expensive of the 'Big 4']. Morrisons have regular weekly price cuts and Asda, no loyalty bonus ... but probably the cheapest.

So my advice IS - shop around!
They are all as slippery as each other.

The Hard Discounters have a lot going for them Aldi's quality is top class IMHO - Tesco are running scared of them hence their introduction a year or so ago of so called "Discount Brands" which in effect are Tesco own label with soppy names like "Daisy" and "Country Harvest"