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Thread: Tesco - Rip off

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Dedworth Tesco - Rip off 24th February 2010, 16:48
KeithD It's not a rip-off just... 24th February 2010, 16:52
Dedworth It is a rip off/sharp... 24th February 2010, 17:20
KeithD You've just admitted it's not... 24th February 2010, 19:12
gWaPito Example 24 home brand... 16th May 2010, 16:35
triple5 same as the big bags of... 24th February 2010, 17:33
nigel A well spotted example of our... 24th February 2010, 18:03
Arthur Little Aye ... or whenever a 230g... 24th February 2010, 18:07
aposhark They all sell products with... 24th February 2010, 18:20
Arthur Little :doh ... Asda, Morrisons,... 24th February 2010, 19:26
adam&chryss You lot must be richer than... 24th February 2010, 19:41
Dedworth :iagree: They are all as... 24th February 2010, 20:15
Queenbee asda and tesco both have... 24th February 2010, 21:03
IainBusby I'm sure if you read very... 24th February 2010, 21:57
Queenbee HAHAHA so true,,,,and i... 24th February 2010, 22:00
Dedworth Terry Leahy is a sly Scouse... 25th February 2010, 01:28
Arthur Little IS he? ... couldn't have told... 25th February 2010, 04:06
Dedworth The major supermarkets have... 25th February 2010, 10:53
Arthur Little :iagree: ... there's a great... 25th February 2010, 01:12
South-east boy Can't remember if I mentioned... 24th February 2010, 18:48
Arthur Little :iagree: ... Asda was... 24th February 2010, 19:05
Doc Alan I can't do simple maths so I... 24th February 2010, 19:38
RickyR Thats why I prefer to buy... 24th February 2010, 21:16
Queenbee yep so true....and i also... 24th February 2010, 21:35
South-east boy That's why I bought a tray of... 24th February 2010, 21:45
Queenbee really????oh the nxt time i... 24th February 2010, 21:51
keithAngel You have to watch out for... 25th February 2010, 13:43
triple5 :icon_lol: i've had a few... 25th February 2010, 14:08
Notavirusalso Fresh water ... sorry but... 25th March 2010, 09:00
darren-b Supermarkets here sell fruit,... 24th February 2010, 21:51
Queenbee yep me too i prefer going... 24th February 2010, 21:55
triple5 I suppose if we're not happy... 24th February 2010, 21:45
KeithD Guys....guys....guys........ 24th February 2010, 21:56
Queenbee oh boss im back!!!!is it... 24th February 2010, 22:01
joebloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3: guys... 25th February 2010, 09:06
KeithD :omg: How much, you're... 25th February 2010, 09:20
aposhark You must be living on Cabbage... 25th February 2010, 11:07
joebloggs :icon_lol: morrisons bog... 25th February 2010, 11:54
Alan Why are the men on this... 25th March 2010, 09:29
aromulus Not much to follow about... 25th March 2010, 10:09
Notavirusalso Gave up on football when... 25th March 2010, 12:44
Gavanddal I recently saw in Tesco... 10th April 2010, 07:29
Doc Alan My maths is not good, but the... 25th February 2010, 12:08
Arthur Little :Erm: Significant, yes ...... 25th February 2010, 14:10
keithAngel Still light weight compared... 25th February 2010, 18:37
Notavirusalso Tesco have priced products at... 24th March 2010, 14:57
Dedworth Sainsburys whole cucumbers... 9th April 2010, 09:00
Arthur Little Tesco must be doing not too... 9th April 2010, 17:34
walesrob Aberystwyth must be the major... 9th April 2010, 17:43
Florge what i always do when i shop... 24th March 2010, 22:33
somebody I always go round and check... 9th April 2010, 21:26
GaryFifer Is it me or are Easter eggs... 24th March 2010, 22:38
triple5 The only cheap food left in... 10th April 2010, 17:24
SteveL I buy all my meat from a... 16th May 2010, 00:37
joebloggs :yikes: get to morrisons far... 16th May 2010, 08:24
walesrob Nah, you wanna shop at... 16th May 2010, 09:55
joebloggs do i get a discount if i take... 16th May 2010, 10:01
Arthur Little (C)ashback at Iceland ...... 22nd May 2010, 00:06
bornatbirth i must be getting old to post... 16th May 2010, 10:34
South-east boy The Saturday before last, I... 17th May 2010, 16:17
joebloggs thats why we shop mostly at... 17th May 2010, 17:06
gWaPito I agree. We only shop at... 17th May 2010, 17:44
Notavirusalso I agree the big tesco in... 18th May 2010, 12:40
walesrob If only you knew the truth... 17th May 2010, 19:29
jimeve I find ASDA and Morrison's... 17th May 2010, 19:50
joebloggs well rob, seeing nearly... 17th May 2010, 21:40
Arthur Little *THIS, I can well-believe,... 20th May 2010, 00:05
Arthur Little So much for "northern... 20th May 2010, 02:08
gWaPito We do our weekly shop at... 19th May 2010, 19:49
Dedworth I've had them in Malaysia -... 19th May 2010, 22:05
Arthur Little Am I correct in assuming YOU... 20th May 2010, 00:46
fred They have Rambutan coming... 20th May 2010, 02:15
gWaPito Iv'e had Jane telling me for... 20th May 2010, 17:49
Arthur Little I think :rolleyes: ... at the... 19th May 2010, 23:38
fred If I ever felt overcharged or... 20th May 2010, 02:07
Sim11UK My now mother & father in... 20th May 2010, 21:09
South-east boy What are Rambutan like? :Erm: 21st May 2010, 22:39
Sim11UK They are very sweet, round,... 22nd May 2010, 07:11
Notavirusalso asda 6 pint milk £2.23 or 2... 13th June 2010, 23:10
stevewool farmfoods for me dont buy... 14th June 2010, 18:03
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  1. #1
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Asda does seem the best value to me of the big supermarkets however, but they don't have the loyalty card (I think).
    ... Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury & Tesco ... they're all "a bunch of toe-rags" in MY candid opinion. Tesco's "saving grace" is, of course, its Clubcard system ... plus it's nearest to me geographically; Sainsbury [I don't know about, 'cause there ain't a branch in Perth -yet - although they're reputed to be the most expensive of the 'Big 4']. Morrisons have regular weekly price cuts and Asda, no loyalty bonus ... but probably the cheapest.

    So my advice IS - shop around!

  2. #2
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    You lot must be richer than me as I always check the prices for different size packs. Most of the time the shelf label will display the pence per 100 or whatever and if not then its only simple maths to work it out.
    There are so many sales ploys in shops and I guess you need to be more savvy.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury & Tesco ... they're all "a bunch of toe-rags" in MY candid opinion. Tesco's "saving grace" is, of course, its Clubcard system ... plus it's nearest to me geographically; Sainsbury [I don't know about, 'cause there ain't a branch in Perth -yet - although they're reputed to be the most expensive of the 'Big 4']. Morrisons have regular weekly price cuts and Asda, no loyalty bonus ... but probably the cheapest.

    So my advice IS - shop around!
    They are all as slippery as each other.

    The Hard Discounters have a lot going for them Aldi's quality is top class IMHO - Tesco are running scared of them hence their introduction a year or so ago of so called "Discount Brands" which in effect are Tesco own label with soppy names like "Daisy" and "Country Harvest"

  4. #4
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    asda and tesco both have highs and lows but ho has done the best ad???Do you think either ad can persuade the public that the supermarket giants are a friendly, local retailer?hehehe i kno bit of away from the topic....

    for me ASDA's advertisment is believable,its more believable and natural in getting the message across...And they have neW and shiny trolleys,effective as ell hile tesco's is POPULAR N trustWorthy but the trolleys seem to Wooble a bit noW...But the thing is since TESCO is more near from ma man's place,Why should We drive an extra mile to go there....

    ASDA's or TESCO's ,all We care is What can We get and for hoW much...Thats the main point...

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    A few people people have told me recently to look out for how larger packs don't always represent best price per unit in the supermarkets

    Here is some sharp practice by Tesco

    Bold Liquitabs (Detergent sachets)

    12 £3.88 = £0.323 per sachet
    20 £6.86 = £0.343 per sachet

    - not special offers these are side by side normal shelf edge prices

    Rip off Britain

    Customer Service girl just shrugged her shoulders and gave an inane grin when I pointed it out

    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    It is a rip off/sharp practice because Joe Public operates on the assumption that bigger packs = better value, bulk buying

    They even sneakily fudge the simple maths - small pack is 12 bigger pack is 20 - not 12's & 24's or 10's & 20's

    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    They are all as slippery as each other.

    The Hard Discounters have a lot going for them Aldi's quality is top class IMHO - Tesco are running scared of them hence their introduction a year or so ago of so called "Discount Brands" which in effect are Tesco own label with soppy names like "Daisy" and "Country Harvest"
    I'm sure if you read very carefully between the lines, somewhere in the Daily Mail, your bound to find something that says it's all because of Gordon Brown's policies or that it's all part of a dastardly labour plot.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I'm sure if you read very carefully between the lines, somewhere in the Daily Mail, your bound to find something that says it's all because of Gordon Brown's policies or that it's all part of a dastardly labour plot.
    HAHAHA so true,,,,and i really dnt feel its recession there in tha UK..lots of people are still shopping,,,lol

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    I'm sure if you read very carefully between the lines, somewhere in the Daily Mail, your bound to find something that says it's all because of Gordon Brown's policies or that it's all part of a dastardly labour plot.
    Terry Leahy is a sly Scouse Labourite

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Terry Leahy is a sly Scouse Labourite
    IS he? ... couldn't have told you that!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    IS he? ... couldn't have told you that!
    The major supermarkets have long enjoyed a close relationship with New Labour. Tesco chief executive Sir Terry Leahy was given a knighthood by Tony Blair and was a dinner guest at Chequers after his company bailed out the struggling Millennium Dome with a £12m donation.

    Read more:

    He obviously knows what side his bread will soon be buttered on as he recently started criticizing Labours "woefully low educational standards". Watch this space for news of Lord Leahy of Scouseland

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    The Hard Discounters have a lot going for them Aldi's quality is top class IMHO
    ... there's a great deal to be said for the likes of Aldi and Lidl. Shame really, that so many large, traditionally British retailers are being outclassed by our wartime adversaries, the Germans, for quality produce and performance standards; likewise the Japanese are streaks ahead of "old blighty" in terms of techological development.

    Whatever happened to our once-proud nation?

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