Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
Hi All,

anyone have info on what's best for me to do?
my wive's 2yr spouse visa ends in mid march, but she didnt arrive in the UK til 10th of may, but Ive been told she needs to have been in the UK for 2 yrs before she can apply for ILR, so she needs to apply for FLR until the 10th of MAy ???

then 4wks before the 10th of May, she can apply for ILR ???

also another problem, her son, has been in the UK for 3wks only, hes 18 in mid FEb and on his visa he is a dependent of me and my wife, ive been told if i apply for FLR before hes 18 he can go on my wifes FLR appl form as a dependant, and and may he will has to apply for ILR seperately because he be 18.., anyone know success rate or experince of getting ILR for a dependent, he still be dependent, we are the only family he has..

the visa rip off, i have to pay £350+ for a visa for a few weeks, then pay for 2* 350 for " ILR visa's !,

thanks for any info and advice guys !!


You do make a valid point about actual timings of ILR - Elsa's is due 25th February, but that will be the date visa was issued, whereas her actual arrival date is mid-March.

I think it would be the actual date of visa issue as its clearly states visa valid for 2 years from date of issue. Actual arrival date in the UK would be irrelevant.

£350? Yes welcome to rip-off Britain. Elsa intends doing the one-day "express" application for £500, then in 1 year its another £500 for the Naturalization. Lets hope that lottery win is forthcoming!