I wasn't going to get involved in this and this will be my very last word about evolution and creation on this website. However, I have to say something. Creationists look at the scientific evidence and using science and scientific methods look at possible solutions or loopholes in the way evolution is used. They have come up with some extremely well thought out solutions, using the same evidence available to all and which highlight errors in evolutionary thinking.
Creationists then put their case together to expose some of the nonsense of biassed scientists who just simply want to disprove God for selfish reasons. Creationists are open-minded in that they do not ignore or reject the evidence. However, it seems that evolutionists refuse to examine the evidence found by creationists sufficiently enough and show (actually) they are very ignorant in their attitudes - so unscientific!
Please look at these videos
which show up how ludicrous scientists can be. Let us blame all the inconsistencies in the universe on asteroids etc eh?