Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
come on, do you really believe this is true?

john knows the reaction he will get, then it comes down to your personal belief.

but sometimes i think who is worse, is it those who believe or those who ridicule those who do believe.
I personally don't ridicule anybody for what they believe in.
However, I feel that most religious people cannot keep their beliefs to themselves; just pop into any town when the weather is good and you will walk past manic street preachers who will do their best to convert you.

I have never been accosted by an atheist who wants to convert a religious person because, in my opinion, atheists keep their beliefs to themselves except when religious people spout off.

An atheist has never knocked on my door to talk about being an atheist.
Many religious people have knocked on my door in different places.
I just tell them in a friendly way to please don't bother me on my day off.
If they persist and try to continue the conversation, I just close the door on them.

I just wish religious people would keep themselves to themselves, they would get more respect from a lot more people if they did.