Got a friend who invites any and all Religious prostletisers into his home so he can try to de-convert them Mormons tend to run off pretty quickly when he pulls out his copy of the Book of Mormon and talk about DNA proving that Native Americans stem from Asia, not a lost tribe of Israel like that book claims. They also don't take too kindly to mentioning of their founders criminal convictions for being a fraudster

Before 9/11 (and for a good while after) I considered myself Apathetic, didn't know what the truth was and didn't really care either Then after a few debates with people trying to show me the errors of my way, I became a little more forceful with my beliefs. I will happily ask a Muslim about the Christian Holy Trinity (the Koran makes it out to be God, the father. Jesus the Son and Mary the Mother). Usually they won't admit the mistake, preferring to blame Christians of changing it.. Likewise, Catholics don't like being reminded of the rampant child abuse by their Priests.

I'm with Aposhark! I am fine with anyones personal beliefs, so long as they don't try to force it on me or my family. But unfortunately, that does not happen, and so Atheists are now becoming more disrespectful of Religion. Because Religious folk have had it their way for too long! And so now the Blasphemy laws are abolished, Richard Dawkins and co are having a field day..