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Thread: Quick update after visiting ukvacs

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  1. #1
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    Quick update after visiting ukvacs

    Hi all,

    Its been a while since I was on as have only just returned from extended vacation in the beautiful (and very hot) Phils

    Whilst there my fiancee and I went to UKVACS to apply for a fiancee visa.

    As she had recently already been issued a tourist visa in September (for 1 month) and returned home on time, we only took additional up to date docs with us rather than everything that had already submitted (which were obviously deemed ok) and asked them to reference our previous application.

    Well after being told to wait outside the offices in the waiting area (holding pen) I was called in as they were giving my girl some grief.
    It turns out that they cannot be 100% sure that our friends at the Embassy will reference a previous (successful) application.

    Contempt?, utter disbelief?, filing systems???, cue 5 minutes of arguing with them and the frankly shambolic service they supposedly offer.

    But after counting to 100 and to be safe I took everything back and told my girl that we should provide everything again just so that they have no reason to refuse

    So this just to let people know that even if you've had a successful tourist app in the past everything you submitted is as good a worthless when it comes to applying again so make sure she has multiple copies of everything or you will have to collate everything again

    Just wondered if anyone else has come across this b4???

    Anyway now we will give them everything plus the kitchen sink and taps too and lets hope they drown under the paperwork

    If only she was romanian
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    and told my girl that we should provide everything again just so that they have no reason to refuse
    You should ALWAYS supply 110% with a Fiancee application. It has bugger all to do with anything that went on before, it is a single entity. We have told folk this numerous times on this forum. Research & some work saves aggravation later.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Always follow instructions......
    Filipina a born survivor!

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fontain View Post
    Hi all,

    Its been a while since I was on as have only just returned from extended vacation in the beautiful (and very hot) Phils

    Whilst there my fiancee and I went to UKVACS to apply for a fiancee visa.

    As she had recently already been issued a tourist visa in September (for 1 month) and returned home on time, we only took additional up to date docs with us rather than everything that had already submitted (which were obviously deemed ok) and asked them to reference our previous application.

    Well after being told to wait outside the offices in the waiting area (holding pen) I was called in as they were giving my girl some grief.
    It turns out that they cannot be 100% sure that our friends at the Embassy will reference a previous (successful) application.

    Contempt?, utter disbelief?, filing systems???, cue 5 minutes of arguing with them and the frankly shambolic service they supposedly offer.

    But after counting to 100 and to be safe I took everything back and told my girl that we should provide everything again just so that they have no reason to refuse

    So this just to let people know that even if you've had a successful tourist app in the past everything you submitted is as good a worthless when it comes to applying again so make sure she has multiple copies of everything or you will have to collate everything again

    Just wondered if anyone else has come across this b4???

    Anyway now we will give them everything plus the kitchen sink and taps too and lets hope they drown under the paperwork

    If only she was romanian
    Fontain, I have some sympathy with the points you raised, after all, if you had a succesful tourist visa, you would expect them to reference a previous application, in theory, this is a great expectation.

    As Keith says, in practice, nope it doesnt work, my best freind's wife also had a successful tourist visa to enter UK, and did stay for 6 months, she returned on time.

    When it came to the spouse visa, she had to go through the same process with all new information, as Keith quite rightly points out, the visa's are 2 different situations, with a different set of rules.

    But, dont despair, you should not have any problems, best of luck and let us know how that goes.

  5. #5
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    "As she had recently already been issued a tourist visa in September (for 1 month) and returned home on time, we only took additional up to date docs with us rather than everything that had already submitted (which were obviously deemed ok) and asked them to reference our previous application.

    Well after being told to wait outside the offices in the waiting area (holding pen) I was called in as they were giving my girl some grief.
    It turns out that they cannot be 100% sure that our friends at the Embassy will reference a previous (successful) application."

    When Josephine made her application for settlement in manila we referenced a previous tourist application that had actually been refused at the time, and supplied them with the reference number etc. This tourist application had actually been made in morocco where we met originally, and although it took a few minutes at the interview in philippines, the eco was able to find the record in the database without much problem. This he took as further proof of relationship so it was in fact a good help. Sounds like once again UK Vacs aren't really sure what goes on..
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irelandken View Post
    "As she had recently already been issued a tourist visa in September (for 1 month) and returned home on time, we only took additional up to date docs with us rather than everything that had already submitted (which were obviously deemed ok) and asked them to reference our previous application.

    Well after being told to wait outside the offices in the waiting area (holding pen) I was called in as they were giving my girl some grief.
    It turns out that they cannot be 100% sure that our friends at the Embassy will reference a previous (successful) application."

    When Josephine made her application for settlement in manila we referenced a previous tourist application that had actually been refused at the time, and supplied them with the reference number etc. This tourist application had actually been made in morocco where we met originally, and although it took a few minutes at the interview in philippines, the eco was able to find the record in the database without much problem. This he took as further proof of relationship so it was in fact a good help. Sounds like once again UK Vacs aren't really sure what goes on..

    A lot of the interactions with the embassy do seem to be picking someone who can be bothered that day, morning, moment of time or is aware/trained.

  7. #7
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    Hi all, just started a new job so not had much chance to visit lately but this is just an update on our situation

    My fiancee submitted hers by hand to UKVACS on the 8th of Jan and as of today its now showing on UKVACS tracker as dispatched, so thats one month to the day!

    Hopefully it will turn up tomorrow and as soon as it does will let you know the result

    I'm bricking it a bit now but nowhere near as much as her, I just hope it turns up tomorrow otherwise we will be edge all weekend

    And of course I hope its good news

    So is snow in London a good sign????
    I hope so

    Thanks for all the help & advice that got us to this stage and now I just pray that lady luck is on our side
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Hope all goes well and like the others say don't give them any chance to deny you, as you put bombard them with any conceivable evidence you have. The courier when we submitted refused to take all my Wifes evidence as it was to much for the envelope supplied and had to half it.
    Que my wife ringing up the old phone service and me firing off Emails to the Embassy on the bus to work. Which to their credit they replied to very quickly indeed and seemed to be shocked we had that much.

    Would we do differently next time? No of course not from the expereinces of others i have seen how missing the slightist bit of evidence will have the ECO finger itching on the trigger.

    Good luck to you both with the new application im sure it will all go well.

    As your Fiancee as been checked allready it should not be a problem at all

  9. #9
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    Hi all, thanks for the support.

    Just to keep you updated, my fiancee applied on Monday and this time we provided everything again and then some !

    All my financial stuff, accomodation etc etc and also all phonebills, receipts, plane tickets (singapore-london-Phils), emails, phone cards, pictures, going all the way back to the very start of our relationship.
    I also included my last two years P60 as well, and pretty much anything else I could lay my hands on

    She had a stack an inch thick, hopefully now we have left them no choice but to issue it

    So now we just have to play the waiting game, as soon as I hear anything I will update the news
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  10. #10
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fontain View Post
    Hi all, thanks for the support.

    Just to keep you updated, my fiancee applied on Monday and this time we provided everything again and then some !

    All my financial stuff, accomodation etc etc and also all phonebills, receipts, plane tickets (singapore-london-Phils), emails, phone cards, pictures, going all the way back to the very start of our relationship.
    I also included my last two years P60 as well, and pretty much anything else I could lay my hands on

    She had a stack an inch thick, hopefully now we have left them no choice but to issue it

    So now we just have to play the waiting game, as soon as I hear anything I will update the news

    Sounds like you both did everything by the book

    hopefully your have some good news shortly.

  11. #11
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    Hi Fontain,

    We are all keeping our fingers crossed for you. I,m sure its going to be good news! Make sure you buy lots of warm clothes!

    Good luck!

    Tim and Judith

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Fingers crossed for you both

  13. #13
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Good luck
    tiger tigress

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  14. #14
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    I hope its good news. Good luck
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  15. #15
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    The happiest boy & girl on both sides of the world

    GOOD NEWS !!!!!!

    My girl has received her application back & has been issued a fiancee visa.... no Interview

    So exactly one month from applying @ UKVACS to her door

    What a way to start a Friday, very happy as you can imagine !

    Wanna say a big thanks to Keith & Pete for their respective sites and advice and for the selfless effort they put in to help guys & gals like us and also to everyone and anyone thats given me advice and encouragement over the past year.

    Its a weight off our shoulders and life is sweet!

    So heres the proof that with the right circumstances and a bit of persistance, in less than one year we have met & begun a relationship (feb06 Singapore), visited each other 3 times since our initial meeting (Sing again/London/Phils), applied for and received a fiancee visa and now she will be here within the next two weeks.

    So good luck to all that are in the process, and to anyone who is heading down that route.

    Its been hard at times, frustrating even but you cant choose what path ya lifes genna take and the way I feel this morning its worth every bit of grief we have encountered along the way.

    One word of warning though fellas, dating one of these wonderful ladies are an expensive hobby
    But when/if you get the good news its worth every penny.

    My girl had money of her own, so I never gave her an allowance as such, just a nice treat now and again but I'd put my spend for the year at approximately £6000.00 and thats a conservative guess not including my "spending" money on vacations and misc expenses.

    That figures just Phonecalls, pcards, air fares, ring, visa apps, gifts, hotels etc etc
    Things I can roughly account for.

    So there you have it, thanks again to all and have a fantastic day !!!
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  16. #16
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    great news fontain!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by fontain View Post
    GOOD NEWS !!!!!!

    My girl has received her application back & has been issued a fiancee visa.... no Interview

    So exactly one month from applying @ UKVACS to her door

    What a way to start a Friday, very happy as you can imagine !

    Wanna say a big thanks to Keith & Pete for their respective sites and advice and for the selfless effort they put in to help guys & gals like us and also to everyone and anyone thats given me advice and encouragement over the past year.

    Its a weight off our shoulders and life is sweet!

    So heres the proof that with the right circumstances and a bit of persistance, in less than one year we have met & begun a relationship (feb06 Singapore), visited each other 3 times since our initial meeting (Sing again/London/Phils), applied for and received a fiancee visa and now she will be here within the next two weeks.

    So good luck to all that are in the process, and to anyone who is heading down that route.

    Its been hard at times, frustrating even but you cant choose what path ya lifes genna take and the way I feel this morning its worth every bit of grief we have encountered along the way.

    One word of warning though fellas, dating one of these wonderful ladies are an expensive hobby
    But when/if you get the good news its worth every penny.

    My girl had money of her own, so I never gave her an allowance as such, just a nice treat now and again but I'd put my spend for the year at approximately £6000.00 and thats a conservative guess not including my "spending" money on vacations and misc expenses.

    That figures just Phonecalls, pcards, air fares, ring, visa apps, gifts, hotels etc etc
    Things I can roughly account for.

    So there you have it, thanks again to all and have a fantastic day !!!
    thats good news indeed well,goodluck to you and to your fiancee.may life brings you and your girl joy and so much happiness.from my hubby and me

  17. #17
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    Thanks !

    She arrives next Friday morning........ getting excited now
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Congratulations to you both.

    Louella & Iain

  20. #20
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Congrats im next
    tiger tigress

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  21. #21
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Wow! Congratulations to u both. Have a good life together in UK. God Bless
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  22. #22
    Respected Member fontain's Avatar
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    Thanks all......

    Good luck Tigress, hopefully you will be next and they wont keep you waiting 2 long
    He who drop watch down the toilet have $hitty time

  23. #23
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fontain View Post
    Thanks all......

    Good luck Tigress, hopefully you will be next and they wont keep you waiting 2 long
    Thank u we need that!
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

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