Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
Nigel...I do admire your positivity, bit you seem to live in a cocooned little world.

Do you ever watch the news? I doubt the thousands affected by the earthquake in Chile, think life is fair?...What about Haiti?...How many people, die each day, somewhere in the world, from starvation?...the list is endless?

To say you doubt anybodies life is that bad, is a complete nonsense!

Stay positive!
i've got to agree with you sim, looks to me nigel might have lived in a cocooned world wrapped in bubblewrap and cotton wool

no need to go as far as Chile, just outside your door you'll find people suffering

my sisters best friend from school., all 3 of her kids died before they were 6 (one died of pneumonia around the age of 4, both her twins died, one died of cancer, weeks later the other was found dead in her bed unknown cause)

last week, someone my wife works with, was going to the multi storey car park, and as she got to the car park she saw a woman jump from the 5th floor , what's so bad, that caused her to commit suicide