Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
But if you believe in Karma then nothing can be done to you that is unfair as its just you trying to redress the balance so the other people are actualy doing you a favour and may be rewarded for their service to you

If you want the Universe to get back at them then you didnt understand your own karma and would need the lesson repeating
i strive to do all things fairly because I want good karma coming my way... i do not want the universe to get back at those who did me wrong coz i will be wishing bad at them, thus inviting bad karma.. it is the universe that gets back at them, not me.. if and when someone did something bad against me, i bless them instead so that good karma come my way...

this doesn't mean though that you can't get angry as you are only human.. but you strive to be the best you can be