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  1. #1
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    Long time no post

    Hi everyone,

    Been away from the forum for a while, reason being our somewhat confused life which I am sure we will sort out eventually.

    It's been a year since I saw my kids and I really miss them, my partner has been away from them for a long time too, in the last twelve months, mostly in Korea but now in the UK for the last two and half months.

    We are just living quietly trying to save our cash but Ana is going back to Manila in about a month's time as I am not happy at her being away from the kids for so long and we still have legal proceedings that she needs to conclude in the Philippines before we can get a fiancee visa, probably still going to have to go the fiancee route rather than spouse visa because I will just never get enough time off in one go to get married in Manila as I am now no longer working for myself.

    Anyway just thought I would post a couple of pics of our daughter that I was able to take off the computer screen

    Jim & Ana

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    good to see ya back Jim

    you'll get there in the end , some times it can seem a never ending road and struggle,

    after 5yrs nearly in the UK, my misses is finally applying for jobs as a doc, we wondered if this day would ever come

  3. #3
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    Thanks Joe

  4. #4
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    Welcome back Jim, I've never been away from my kids for more than 3 months and that was tough, can't imaging how you must be feeling after a year. Your daughters at that wonderful age now, so cute when they're toddlers. Is there no way you can go out with Ana when she goes back in a month?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    Welcome back Jim, I've never been away from my kids for more than 3 months and that was tough, can't imaging how you must be feeling after a year. Your daughters at that wonderful age now, so cute when they're toddlers. Is there no way you can go out with Ana when she goes back in a month?
    Pushing it a bit :( we are running out of air miles and I want to keep those for when Ana and the kids are coming over here.

    My friend might help me as his son is getting married in June in Manila and they need a photographer that's not going to cost a fortune, not done a wedding for a long time and I'm not professionally working in photography these days, haven't for many many years, so I'm a bit nervous about offering that and a Filipino photographer would probably cost the same or less than my flight :(

    But I don't know, have to look at it it is hard as this is the really special time as a toddler as you say and I have no real pictures of her at this age.

    Jim & Ana

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    ahhhwww... she's beautiful.. hang in there

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    ahhhwww... she's beautiful.. hang in there
    Thank you Florge

    Jim & Ana

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Try to hang in there JimOttley I feel for you

    I flew with Kuwait Airways for £360 return last year to bring Rochelyn back to the UK.

    Keep looking for the cheap flights as the big lift you will get when you see your kids will give you so much strength in life.

    I hope you can make it soon to see them. It sounds like you have an uphill struggle to marry and then a long wait to get your kids over here.

    Keep strong and positive Jim, I wish you all the best with your quest

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