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Thread: I am not sharing this money, so you can well fffffffffffff

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    N. Wales, Wrexham
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    I am not sharing this money, so you can well fffffffffffff

    United nations (fbi/imf assisted programme)
    directorate of international payment and transfers,
    united-nations inconjunction with the (/imf)
    re-union assisted reconciliation programme directorate
    of international cash payment delivery with immunity
    clearance on all yet un-paid foreign owed payment unit,
    our ref: Un//imf/uk-ng/approved-plan/jan-10.
    8 tor view rawtenstall, lancashire
    england bb4 6, united kingdom.

    Tel/fax: +44-70-2406-8614
    fax: +44-70 2407-5814

    sub: Irrevocable release of your payment via cash delivery.

    I am barr: William evans,the newly appointed director general incharge of approving & releasing all owed yet unpaid\un-released foreign payments and also the special adviser to the united-nation fighting against the un-neccesary delays of beneficiaries yet unclaimed payment including yours which was recently discovered this week that has not yet been paid to you by the present british government after series of investigation conducted.

    I am delighted whole heartedly to inform you that the contract/inheritance panel of the un, which just concluded it�s seating in london federal capital territory just released your (e-mail id & name) among the currently approved beneficiaries who are to benefit 100% from this very diplomatic immunity 1st first quater payment of the year. This panel was primarily delegated to investigate and to genuinely manipulated all owed debts and claims as it has eaten deep into the economy of the great britain-london.

    However, i wish to personally bring to your urgent notice, so that you will be awere that your yet unclaimed payment data's is still reflecting in our central computer as unpaid and un-claimed owed debt in my department where i newly work as the new appointed (un) lawyer incharge of approving & releasing of all yet unpaid debts recently recovered back by the (un) office in london been our branch after discovering that your payment has been delayed un-neccessary due to one reason or another while auditing was going on this week. Your own file was personally forwarded to my executive office by the chief auditors of the (un) as an unclaimed fund.
    At this moment, i wish to use this medium of communication to inform you that for the time being the (un) has completely stopped further payment through bank to bank transfer, atm card,bank draft or check payment due to numerious petitions received from the united states home-land security, the fbi, imf and other financial and security agenices to uk government against our banks on wrong payment and diversion of innocent beneficiaries owed funds to a different account.

    In this regards, i am going to use my good office now to send you your just approved part-payment in the tune of $7.5m (seven million five hundred thousand united states dollars) only by cash to you via a special (un) universal diplomatic delivery means to you. In process of doing that, i will personally secure every needed documents as the newly appointed lawyer representing the (un) office now to cover the money including the affidavit to claim of this particular yet unclaimed payment from our federal high court here in london which will bestow the rigth and privilege to you as the rightful beneficiary who is to recieve this payment after meeting up with the delivery requirement as the british law stipulate. All these will be done perfectly only on the condition that you will give me 10% of the funds we are about disbursing to you which is seven hundrend and fifty thousand united states dollars only out of the $7.5 million you are to receive.

    Note: The money will be coming on 2 security proof trunk boxes. The boxes are already sealed with synthetic nylon seal and padded with machine by the managent of this organiziation and i also want you to know that the management are not awere of my plans with you in this transaction, so you have to keep it a top secrect till me and you are able to conclude this very transaction. This fund was brought to us from the world bank special delegates because the funds itself was meant for our local afem market here in the uk.

    But you don't have to worry for any thing that need to be taking care of here in london,as this transaction is 100% risk free and will remain legit as long as you work with me transparently. The boxes are coming with a diplomatic agent asigned by the management of this organiziation by diplomat" who will accompany the boxes to your house address or any address you will provide to me for this transaction to enable us complete. All you need to do now upon your willing acceptance on my condition, is to send to me a guarantee that you will give me 10% of the funds as soon as you receive the $7.5m, and your full house address and your identity such as, international passport or driver�s license including your personal contact phone numbers which must be a working numbers, the diplomatic attached will travel with it.
    He will call you immediately he arrives in your country's airport to update you and i hope you understand each and every point that i've made clear to you in this email message am sending you.

    Warnning/advise: Please note carefully that any money requested from you by anybody,office,banks or group of people from africa/nigeria or any part of the world to receive your payment expect the united-nation appointed commission office (uk), presently incharge of recovering all un-necessary delayed yet unclaimed owed debts payments, whom the fbi, imf and other financial agencies have irrevocably approved that should serve you better and ensure you receive your payment this time around, so kindly note that any money sent by you to any office in africa/nigeria is at your own risk, so stay away from any other office, person or group of people and face only the united-nation appointed approved payment disbursing high commission office only till your payment gets to you safely through the dallas/fort worth international airport, texas.

    Most importantly: For security reasons and to enable the both of us conclude this transaction successfully, note that the diplomat coming with the consignment boxes will not know the original contents inside the boxes he his to delivery to you. So what load our accredited management will declare to him that is inside the consignment boxes is a sensitive photographic film material and classified volume confidential company's contract documents.

    Also note categorically that, before i proceed with the next arrangement, you are advice to respond back to me immediately on my email address , so we can talk and agree first before i seal this transaction with you and if you have any question to ask for more clarification before and remember to send the required informations directly to my email address and i will let you know how far i have gone with the arrangement. I will secure the diplomatic immunity clearance certificate that will be tagged on the boxes to make it stand as a diplomatic consignment.this clearance will make it pass every custom checking point all over the world without any hitch. All this i will do with my own money as your partner.

    Please, i need your urgent reply via my email address , because the boxes are schedule already to live immediately as soon as i hear from you should confirm immediately you receive this message through my email: I will send you my confidential telephone number as soon as i receive your immediate respond today.

    I am highly submitted and willing to serve you better whole-heartedly.
    Congratulations once again.

    Highly submitted.
    Respectfully yours in-service,
    barrister.william evans,
    (un) human right activist

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Middle England
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    A barrister and he doesn't even know to use capital letters for his name

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    A barrister and he doesn't even know to use capital letters for his name
    Somehow it lost a bit of "original" flavour while copying and pasting, as it was all in capital letters to start off with....

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    That's it, I will be retiring to Nigeria.

    From: Mrs.Rita Morgan ( You may not know this sender.
    Sent:06 March 2010 07:20:53To:

    I will like you to help me see my final wish come true,i am very sick and have
    some fund to donate to the orpanage($18.5M)in the Security Company.I want you to act as my new beneficiary to receive the fund and put it in good use by using it to fund the less priviledged.

    May God Bless You,

    Mrs.Rita Morgan,

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    A lot of these email scammers harvest addresses from the search engines, so if you've ever posted your email address online anywhere good chance you'll get swamped with these kinds emails.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    A lot of these email scammers harvest addresses from the search engines, so if you've ever posted your email address online anywhere good chance you'll get swamped with these kinds emails.
    No swamping, only a couple from time to time, which I collect and on occasions I pass along to some good old soul at to deal with as he deems fit ...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    No swamping, only a couple from time to time, which I collect and on occasions I pass along to some good old soul at to deal with as he deems fit ...
    love that site

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