Hi, Im new and have tried to look for answers to some of the questions i am about to post but couldnt find them quickly.

Okay so I have met a filipino girl via a dating site. We have chatted online and on the phone but not met each other yet.

I wanted to buy her a ticket so she could see england before she decided if she would like to live here for the rest of her life. My questions are..

1) Is it true that visit visas are almost impossible to get? A marriage visa seems a little extreme b4 she has even seen england for herself.

2) I became a freelance designer last month (ie self employed) but i see i would need 3 years of paper work under the self employed title to apply for a marriage visa. How does this work if i have only been self employed for one month?

3) Is it possible for her to go to uni in england and if so how is this achieved? how is it finasnced? i could get a loan for nyself..could she? could i get one on her behalf?

4) Is it possible for her to get a work visa or even use a loophole where i employ her myself?

5) Once a marriage visa is obtained can it be extended if we need more time? if so how long for?

6) Is there a credit check (of me) when applying for a marriage visa?

hope thats not too much
