they should write a letter addressed to the embassy inviting your wife to live with them, also providing evidence they own the house and that it will not be over crowded with you both living there (pics of the house, room sizes etc, and mention in your letter of suipport for your wife that your parents are sponsoring her accommdation
co-sponsors letter saying that your parents are inviting your wife to stay in their place. there is no form for co-sponsor just write a letter and provide supporting documents such as extract copy of the title if it is freehold or mortgage documents... i can send you or post here sample of co-sponsorshop letter if you want as we did the same thing (i will be staying on my father-in laws house, we dont have our own place but thanks God visa granted)![]()
thanx joe bloggs and mheanranola, that wud be niceniss if you could send me sample of co-sponsership letter...bless!!
you can email me or post it here my email is nattydread66uk@yahoo.com
dont suppose you have an example of the supporting letter your husband wrote on behalf of you? or did he just fill in the sponsership form.
yeah and congrats on ya visa being granted ....what hassle and relief for you....
uk government are so strict with everythin!!!![]()
here--- these are the exact letter we used in our visa application.. hope that helpsall you need to do sponsorship declaration and co sponsors letter and fill up the application form vaf 4a....
S P O N S O R S H I P ---- D E C L A R A T I O N
Your Name
Mobile Number
To: The British Embassy Manila
120 Upper McKinley Road
McKinley Hill
Taguig City 1634
Sub: (Wife Name), Philippine National, Date of Birth
Settelement Application VAF4A
To The Entry Clearance Officer:
I, (your name) of (current Address), am a British Citizen and am permanently reside in the UK. My date of birth is ***** and my British passport no. is ****** which was issued by the IPS in the United Kingdom. Copies of my passport and certified copy of my birth certiicate have been attached.
I wish to sponsor my spouse Mrs. ******* birth date ***** with address at ********* with Philippine passport no. ********* to settle with me in UK
While i was living in the Philippines in between 2005-2008 I met (spouse name) through my cousin and develop a relationship out of whick we were eventually married. I have attached copies of our registered marriage certificate, the CNI (Certificate of No Impediment) issued by the British Embassy in Manila and several photographs highlighting the relationship.
I cuurently occupy a double bedroom at my father's home in the LOndon ********* to which he is the freehold owner and have attached a letter of his co-sponsorship stating his extended welcome to my wife as his daughter-in-law which also include any supporting evidence in regards ti this accommodation.
I am employed by ***** as **** and have been there since ****. I have attached my last 6 months original wage slips, both my current and cash card account bank statements over the last 6 months, and my original employment contract which should be sufficient to support ***** and myself as she settles in the UK as my spouse.
Since 2008 we have been in touch constantly by telephone, email, instant internet messenger and voice over internet protocol phone and I have attached some examples of our emails, archieved internet relay chat transcripts and call records of our correspondence.
I shall undertake full responsibility for **** expenses as she settles in the UK and am most looking forward to her arrival here.
To: The British Embassy Manila
120 Upper McKinley Road
McKinley Hill
Taguig City 1634
From: (FAther's/mother's name)
Sub: Co- Sponsorship of Accomodation of (spouse)
Settelement Application VAF4A
To The Entry Clearance Officer:
I am pleased to co-sponsor the applicant for settlement visa of (spouse name), the wife of my Son, and the principal sponsor (your name) in the form of my residential property as their accomodation. (spouse name) would like to join the principal sponsor, my son, in the UK on or around the first week of April.
I am a retired British citizen residing at (address), where i have lived since 2000. To help (spouse name) and (your name) get started, I have offered the use of my residence at (address) to which I am the freehold owner. I have attached an extract copy of the title register to this letter which has purchased from the official UK Land Registry website as supporting evidence of my freehold tenure. Should further verification of my freehold ownership be required, the details maybe purchased directly from the official UK Land registry website at https://www.landregistry.gov.uk.
As it is customary in our Filipino culture to remain close together, both (yourname) and (spouse name) are both welcome as residents at my household whilst they are settling. (spouse name) and (your name) will have the exclusive use of a double bedroom and the unlimited use of bathroom and kitchen. As there are three bedrooms and only my wife, son and I as residents, there will be ample space for both (yourname) and (spouse name). I am familiae with the role and obligations of visa sponsorship and the Home Office's expectations in this undertaking and hope this letter may qualify as a gebuine invitation for occupancy to my daughter in law and son - who has already been residing at this address for close two years now. Should any further information be required, I may be maybe contacted immediately through my contact details below.
I hope that the consulate finds this arrangement satisfactory and can proceed with granting (spouse name) the spouse's settlement visa she seeks. On behalf of all my family, I can ass that we look forward to (spouse name) arrival, and that all of us will be doing our part to assure that (spouse name) transition is a comfortable one.
(father/mother's name)
(PArents Address)
Mobile Number
your an angel!!! blessya![]()
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