My wife has just been to Manila from Davao to put in the visa application and pay with a managers cheque...the embassy has just recently stopped taking cash.

The embassy has informed my wife that the cheques are too high and not the correct price, they cannot accept them..
cheques issued by BDO.

Wife has had to return to Davao to go to BDO to get the cheque changed.. apparently we may lose half the fee if we do not get this sorted withing a time frame given by the embassy..

This is not our fault, this is a bank/embassy error. A lack of communication it would seem.

Here is what my wife is discussing with me now;
the amount of check was the problem..they have over charge they should not put the bank charge on it as it was free of charge because the BDO bANK ARE credited banks for the Embassy.
: the embassy only accepy checques that are fix amouth accoding to the checklist and the requred payment for the visa..
: the fix amouth shiould only be 43,875 and on our 2 cheques they issued it was 44,075.
: ..ive tried to ask help on other branch in manila ...but it wont honored as it was not a personal cheque it is magers checque

when i ask the banks earlier its not their fault as the embassy always chnages there seems that lots of stuff trying to stop of aim my half... :(
: and i need to do this all within this week or else half of theamouth of our money will be wasted...
Any advice would be appreciated.