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Thread: Jon Venables is not David Calvert

  1. #1
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    Jon Venables is not David Calvert

    I have had a few text messages yesterday, asking me to pass that same text message on to everyone I know, informing me that a certain Jon Venables has been given the identity as David Calvert .

    The message supposedly outs Jon Venables as a Mr David Calvert.. If you get a message like this, IGNORE IT! Or better yet, reply to the sender a link to this news story.

    This poor guy is facing potential beatings or worse because some people of a limited IQ like to pass on the "truth" before they can get it verified or proven.

  2. #2
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    this is insane... poor fella...

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    this is insane... poor fella...
    No it isn't ..... in this country we MUST protect the criminals while the innocent take all the crap ..... that's freedom and human rights
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    This illustrates the problem of people taking the law into their own hands.

    So many times we heard people claiming the right to do so. Like those who say it's OK to pursue burglars who break into their homes, rapists, child molesters etc.

    It is only when an instance like this is high-lighted that we can see clearly that there is almost always a problem with identifying the perpetrators. It is all too easy for innocent people to be targeted.

    If we are dissatisfied with the way convicted criminals are dealt with under the law we need to lobby our (your) MP and get the law changed, so that it reflects the wishes of the electorate. But don't hold your breath, I know hardly anyone has, or will, go down that road. Most prefer to just complain the the converted.

    There are exceptions to this generalisation, that's why they get the laws changed, often by the vociferous minority against the wishes of the silent majority.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    This illustrates the problem of people taking the law into their own hands.

    So many times we heard people claiming the right to do so. Like those who say it's OK to pursue burglars who break into their homes, rapists, child molesters etc.

    It is only when an instance like this is high-lighted that we can see clearly that there is almost always a problem with identifying the perpetrators. It is all too easy for innocent people to be targeted.
    the other day on the news, it was the first time i heard a gov spokeman speak some sense, when the said its obivious this person is not venables, becuase venables is in prison

    john if it was your child that was murdered by venables, i'm sure you would feel justice was not done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the other day on the news, it was the first time i heard a gov spokeman speak some sense, when the said its obivious this person is not venables, becuase venables is in prison

    john if it was your child that was murdered by venables, i'm sure you would feel justice was not done.

    I did say, "If we are dissatisfied with the way convicted criminals are dealt with under the law we need to lobby our (your) MP and get the law changed, so that it reflects the wishes of the electorate. But don't hold your breath, I know hardly anyone has, or will, go down that road. Most prefer to just complain to the converted."

    Just for the record, my brother was murdered, so I do have a different perspective on this than maybe most. I also have had close contact with both victims of crime and perpetrators. Sorry I believe, you may not agree, that gives me a better insight than many, to make reasoned judgement.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Just for the record, my brother was murdered, so I do have a different perspective on this than maybe most. I also have had close contact with both victims of crime and perpetrators. Sorry I believe, you may not agree, that gives me a better insight than many, to make reasoned judgement.
    and you think justice was done with regards to your brothers murderer ?

    if you was james father, you think justice was done, they got 8yrs in a secure home, for beating your 2 year old son to death

    my younger brother was not murdered, but was kicked by 2 drunken yobs and was in a coma, some justice my brother got, he never fully recovered from it, im at work now, so i cant tell you now what i think of the CPS and lawyers

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and you think justice was done with regards to your brothers murderer ?

    if you was james father, you think justice was done, they got 8yrs in a secure home, for beating your 2 year old son to death

    my younger brother was not murdered, but was kicked by 2 drunken yobs and was in a coma, some justice my brother got, he never fully recovered from it, im at work now, so i cant tell you now what i think of the CPS and lawyers
    Sorry Joe, just because I believe in the rule of law does not necessarily mean that I agree with everything in relation to the law. I did lobby my MP when I lived in UK. On one occasion, just before a vote on the death penalty, I got him to change his mind and vote for it's retention.

    But as I say, most people do not make the effort to influence their law makers and then think for some reason that justifies them saying they have the right to take the law into their own hands.

    I bet very few people have ever even spoken to their MP let alone tried to influence them. The way I see it (saw it when I lived in UK and still do in Spain with my local council here) is that my MP is there to represent my view. If I don't tell him what that is, why would I be surprised that he votes the way he wants and not the way I want ?

  9. #9
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    when i first saw the state my brother was in, i took some photos of him, and my other brother did when he was in a coma in hospital, they broke his jaw in 2 places, fractured his cheek bones, had massive bruising all over his face and half way down his chest, they broke and knocked some of his teeth out.

    one pleaded guilty the other pleaded not guilty, the one who pleaded guilty, said he punch him once or twice in self defence ( i dont think Tyson could cause them injuries with a few punches), the fact is my brother never touch any of them, he didn't have a chance, they jumped him from behind and both of them kicked him many times until he was unconscious.

    after many times of going to crown court the case was delayed and delayed, when the scumbags realised it would now go to a jury, the scumbag who pleaded not guilty changed his plea. why ?? for a lighter sentence, why can someone at the last mo change their plea ??

    while we were waiting outside the court room, there was 2 lawyers/barristers near me, they were talking to each other saying "oh he's only suffered bruising". i realised who they were and said in a loud voice, "bruising, they broke his jaw in 2 places, fractured his cheek bone and he was in a coma" they just walked away. lawyers are no better than the scumbags who attacked my brother, doing a deal btw them

    back in court, just before sentencing, the one who pleaded guilty, his lawyer was saying if he went to prison he would lose his job, his child would miss him . the other had his g/f father say what a nice person he is

    what sob stories, the judge was ready to pass sentence, and he was looking at the pictures, shaking his head, saying, he would have to give them a prison sentence... 6 months

    the way it was going i thought they both would go free , where's the justice ? my brother was never the same again

    the police did a great job, nothing but respect for them, but let down by the CPS and Judge.

    and oh after the trial we were told that the first one, had been charged with GBH before, and the other had a criminal record to, where's the fairness in the system, they can get people to say what descent citizens they are, but not mention their past crimes that's

  10. #10
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    oh i've complained to my MP about visa's, prices increases, the unfairness of the EU system to the UK one,

    2yrs later I'm still waiting for a REPLY..

  11. #11
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    That's my feeling about many lawyers, they jist distort the truth & earn their money dishonestly.

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Aye, it's a system, right enough ... when someone is handed a 5-year stretch for ... let's say ... forgery [which involves only money] yet, at the other end of the scale, violent crime elicits a sentence of a few months at most [often backdated, into the bargain!] - even on occasions when the hapless victim is likely to be left physically and - not least - emotionally - scarred for life!

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    oh i've complained to my MP about visa's, prices increases, the unfairness of the EU system to the UK one,

    2yrs later I'm still waiting for a REPLY..
    The trick is, join their political party. Go to all the local fundraisers and then once they get to know your face. Ask your local MP over a beer Something tells me you would get an answer straight away.

    Although, sadly I know a deeply rooted member of the Labour party who seems to get his queries sorted out pretty quickly as he has taken this method (and might one day run for Council).. Seems the only way to get ahead is to join their "Old boys Network"

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    The trick is, join their political party. Go to all the local fundraisers and then once they get to know your face. Ask your local MP over a beer Something tells me you would get an answer straight away.

    Although, sadly I know a deeply rooted member of the Labour party who seems to get his queries sorted out pretty quickly as he has taken this method (and might one day run for Council).. Seems the only way to get ahead is to join their "Old boys Network"
    i'm not getting in bed with the devil
    i've done my bit of complaining, and i'm alright jack as my misses is a british citizen now, i'll leave the protesting to you youngsters

  15. #15
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    Children violent murder is shocking and unbelievable.
    The law dunno what to do anymore.
    It is not appropriate to jail children and they did.
    They protect very well the children especially children who commit murder.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    oh i've complained to my MP about visa's, prices increases, the unfairness of the EU system to the UK one,

    2yrs later I'm still waiting for a REPLY..
    Sorry but 2 years, why have you let that amount of time go by?

    And how many of your friends have to had contacted the MP as well ?

    If we give up at the first hurdle what's the point?

    As I said I got ,my MP to vote in favour of capital punishment when he was going to vote against it. When I asked how how many of the 100,000 in his constituency had called he he said I was the third, but that each of us was in favour.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Sorry but 2 years, why have you let that amount of time go by?

    And how many of your friends have to had contacted the MP as well ?

    If we give up at the first hurdle what's the point?

    As I said I got ,my MP to vote in favour of capital punishment when he was going to vote against it. When I asked how how many of the 100,000 in his constituency had called he he said I was the third, but that each of us was in favour.
    a few years ago when the gov brought in the 'life in uk ' test and increased the visa fees by a lot, some people decided enough was enough, and started a petition, they only got a few 100 signatures, like the gov will take notice of that , which they didn't.

    the fact is most people didn't want to rock the boat, increase their risk of their visa being refused or future ones being refused or they couldn't be bothered about protesting so they do nothing

    i agree with what you say thou..

    why i didn't do anything, I'm sad to say, as i've said 'i'm alright jack' its not my problem any more, visa's no longer effect my wife. i was just 1 signature of a few 100 who signed it , out of 100,000s of people who were effected.

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    .....but not mention their past crimes that's
    Never agreed with that, happens with social services now, you can beat the wife, but when it comes to court for sorting out the kids, the beatings are not taken into account .... so in my close families case, the beater got the kids
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Never agreed with that, happens with social services now, you can beat the wife, but when it comes to court for sorting out the kids, the beatings are not taken into account .... so in my close families case, the beater got the kids
    i think if we had not taken the pictures the scumbags would have walked free, i was warned a couple of times by the court usher i would be removed if i kept shaking my head and tutting when i had to listen to their lawyer and one of the scumbags g/fs father saying what descent people they are , whats that this got to do with a court case and when its a pack of lies because they both have police records and one for GBH

  20. #20
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the fact is *most people didn't want to rock the boat ...
    ... unless *THEY, themselves happened to be DIRECTLY affected!

  21. #21
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    It's sad that people act only for their own benefit. It sounds selfish but yeah that's the fact. I guess people are just too coward to fight or even do something for what they believe in and many of those who did end up dead or imprisoned.
    Going back to Jon Venables, he is really ----- up. None of which is his faullt. He had a dysfunctional upbringing. But does he deserve a second chance because his therapy sessions worked and he's actually improving? I think not. That two year old child didn't even get half the chance so why does he (and R. Thompson)???
    Let's say yes he's ok to to be released in the outside world and he is actually sane. I think it's only a matter of time for him to snap again. The media will push him. Now who's the real victim in that?
    But you know what's ironic? I was reading the Times the other day, on one page saying about Jon Venables getting released after 8 years of imprisonment instead of life-long sentence and on the other saying that "Short prison term doesn't cut crime".
    My mom says I'm pretty.

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    deleted, wrong thread

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