I called Nationwide and yes as from June they are going to 'improve' the service, that's what they said, by 'upgrading' cash cards to debit cards, so they can be used at the point of sale and they will charge 1% for cash at ATM's outside Europe.
They said it was at the request of their customers. When I said no one had asked me, they said it was the result of a survey.
I told them I have a 2 debit cards and a gold credit card and that I don't want another debit card, and if I did I would have upgraded the card I had. The answer ' too bad'.
So from June the card I have in Phil will be open for use as, in effect a credit card. I do not want that as, although I trust the family member who has it, if it were lost I would be open to it being used until I could cancel it. If I could not trust the person who had it, then again it will be open to be used and unlike now, when I can control its use, by only transferring to that flex account, the amount of money I intent them to draw, in future I will not be able to do so.
Thanks Nationwide !!!!!!