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Thread: Nationwide............

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    This is the reply I got from Nationwide (it's so secret that they would only send it by the secret mail, so don't disclose any the delicate info. !!!!!!! Who do they think they are kidding ? )

    May I suggest that everyone who thinks this is nuts, complains to Nationwide.


    Dear Member,

    Thank you for your message.

    Nationwide has carried out a strategic review of its’ Basic Bank Account offering. In introducing these new cards we have given our customers the ability to pay for goods over the counter, on-line and over the telephone – all of which were unavailable on our old Cash Card. As such we have made the decision to remove the ability to withdraw cash from overseas cash machines. Consumer behaviour indicates that point of sale is more useful than the ability to withdraw from a cash machine. More than double the number of card transactions are carried out at point of sale rather than cash machines*. This change enables customers to transact in a way more consistent with modern spending habits. In addition, the majority of debit card customers (around 70%) use their cards at point of sale abroad rather than at cash machines. Also, our offering for the Basic Bank Account gives us an account which better matches the needs of the market.

    *Based on industry figures – UK Plastic Cards 2009, Apacs

    As a prudent organisation, Nationwide has to consider the wider picture of costs to the business. There are costs associated with paying the acquirer bank fees for cash withdrawals abroad. As a sensible business we want to make the best use of our members’ money. This is not a decision we have taken lightly, but we are confident that making minor changes to products will enable Nationwide to remain a strong and robust business in the current climate.
    Internet Services

    My reply:-

    I am sorry but this is rubbish. If a person wants/needs a Debit Card then that is the card they will opt for.

    By abolishing Cash Cards, call that action by any name, but that is what you will be doing. You are seeking to save money, plain and simple. If a customer wants a Debit Card they can ask for one. If they ask for a Cash Card then that is what they want otherwise they would ask for a Debit or Credit card. Or do you think your customers are too stupid to be able to ask for what they want, because that is what your expalination amounts to?

    So why not be honest and tell us that you want to save money at the expense of your long standing customers who just want a cash card?

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post


    Dear Member,

    More than double the number of card transactions are carried out at point of sale rather than cash machines*.

    *Based on industry figures – UK Plastic Cards 2009, Apacs
    I'M not a Nationwide customer ... neither am I a statistician ... but nonetheless, find this statement hard to believe!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I'm not a Nationwide customer ... neither am I a statistician ... but nonetheless, find this statement hard to believe!
    Hi Arthur. You just inspired my next email to Nationwide. "How many cash card transactions are carried out at point of sale ? None I guess.

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    John the costs are set out clearly the Exchange rates are very good compare the examples on there dollar and euro conversions I used the cards (two) last year for 6 months in the Phils at mostly metro banks and they never failed Fred seems to have had a different experience

    I also used them online to book cebu pacific last year when visa wouldnt work and could load them by phone text or on line the money seems pretty instant

    I was also lucky to make a bit in 08-09 as i preloaded dollars at 1.90 befor the run down to 1.43 they didnt have the sterling card then
    Absit invidia

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