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Thread: How long can you go?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    How long can you go?

    It's exactly 2 months since I left my g/f in Manila, and still another 5 weeks today until I return. I also had a 3 month gap between my last visit. It has been a bit easier this time, but I still hate the time we are apart. I'm over the worst now and the countdown will soon be over.
    Even though we chat for hours nearly every day, I think that 3 months apart really is as much as I can take. If we are unsuccesful with her Tourist Visa application, I'm going to visit every 9 or 10 weeks in future.
    What's the longest time you have you spent apart from your loved one? How long do you normally go between visits?

  2. #2
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    It'll be about 5 months for us when I return early next month. Like you say, when youve got that return date sorted the countdown begins.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    It's exactly 2 months since I left my g/f in Manila, and still another 5 weeks today until I return. I also had a 3 month gap between my last visit. It has been a bit easier this time, but I still hate the time we are apart. I'm over the worst now and the countdown will soon be over.
    Even though we chat for hours nearly every day, I think that 3 months apart really is as much as I can take. If we are unsuccesful with her Tourist Visa application, I'm going to visit every 9 or 10 weeks in future.
    What's the longest time you have you spent apart from your loved one? How long do you normally go between visits?
    LDRs CAN be really hard to sustain ... as most of us on this forum will readily testify. In my own case, I corresponded daily with a Filipina schoolteacher for a whole year before visiting her for 3 weeks in September 2008 ... and again, just over a couple of months later - during which time we got married and thus began the process of applying for a spousal visa. Ideally though, I'd have liked my mahal to sample life in the UK beforehand and fondly imagined this objective could be achieved on a tourist visa (after all we Brits can go virtually anywhere in the world [for a visit] without too many restrictions). Not so, citizens of the Philippines, as I very soon discovered.

    However, that's not to say that [all] tourist visa *requests are likely to be unsuccessful ... it's just that their outcome is largely dependent upon applicants' personal and financial circumstances, i.e. they should be able to substantiate beyond reasonable doubt that they've every intention of returning to their homeland on or before the date on which the validity of their visa is due to expire and, equally, be able to either support themselves financially and/or be sponsored by someone who will provide adequate accommodation for them during their stay - without becoming reliant on the UK Benefits System for such purposes.

    Good Luck to your girlfriend with hers!

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I'm going to visit every 9 or 10 weeks in future.
    What's the longest time you have you spent apart from your loved one? How long do you normally go between visits?
    every 9 or 10wks , how many days holiday do you get

    i went twice a yr for a few years, for 2wks and then for 1wk
    its difficult going for a wk

    we've not been back for 5yrs , but maybe this yr

  5. #5
    Respected Member cheeky's Avatar
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    Yes....the hardest part is leaving each other at the airport faced with weeks or months of being kills you inside....but you have to be strong. Since Maris and I met last July I have been fortunate enough to mix holidays with business trips so I really cannot complain, though still hurts. First had our face to face meeting on the 17th July 2009 whilst I was on a business trip, then returned 3 weeks later on my vacation for 2 weeks. Back again 6 weeks later for business and vacation and then 8 weeks apart until I returned on vacation at xmas.Was back there on business 3 weeks ago....however we don't have a date for my return as we are waiting for my divorce and then we will apply for the fiancee visa and finally live together in UK.Now is the hardest as we have no date to focu son.....leaving at the airport 3 weeks ago was the worst....but as I said we need to be strong, we have our whole lives to look forward to........

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