Hello Eveyone,
My wife and I want to bring her Mum and younger brother ( he is 13) to Wales in March of this year to stay with us for 3 months. I have just been to the UK Visa site and come across the Family Permit. I understand it all, but just need someone to tell me that what I am thinking is correct.

It says that if you are an EEA member - which I am, (my wife is not - she has her ILR Visa at the moment) then you can bring your Non-EEA Family members to visit on the Family Permit option (which is free of charge).

This is what a section says :

Can my family join me in the UK?
Yes. If you have the right to live in the UK your family can join you.

Under European Community law, your family includes:
  • your husband, wife or civil partner
  • your husband's, wife's or civil partner’s children or grandchildren (if they are under 21 years of age or if they are over 21 and are dependent on you), and
  • dependent relatives, for example your husband's, wife's or civil partner’s parents or grandparents.
I am interested in the part I've highlighted in red. This means that my mother-in-law is eligable for this Family Permit - correct ?

If this is correct then fantastic.....

Someone please tell me this is all correct and don't burst the bubble....

Kind Regards
