Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
I'm not sure if a Filipina change and forget where they came from and if they can forget their roots. It is in our culture. I live in our country for 4 decades and will live here with hubby for few decades but I am sure most filipinas will love going back in the future.

Maybe because we were born in the Philippines. If I was born here, I'm sure I can feel I am a British and you can call me british not filipino-british please!

There are loads of friends of mine who spending their retirement in the Philippines regardless of status, with or without children. Some of them early retired. Laguna Bel-Air, Brittany and other elite village are the place where I usuallly see foreigners with Pinay wife. Even foreigners considered Philippines as their home not their own country.

I worked 5 years in Taiwan when I was still single and rarely feel homesick. IMHO, it is regardless of place and status.
OK Penny, I see your point
I suppose we all see life in different ways.
My wife still sees the Phils as her home, I am hoping that she will see England as her home when she has children here