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Thread: Visitor Visa for my GF

  1. #1
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    Visitor Visa for my GF

    I'm looking to bring my gf here on a Fiancee visa however she is married and we still need to get her an annulment before we can apply. If it seems that the Annulment is going to take a while can we apply for a visitors visa for her instead of the Fiancee visa?

    If so please could someone tell me how much the visitors visa will cost and how long can she stay here on that particular visa and how long will she have to leave the UK for before we can reapply for another visitors visa?

    Also will applying for this visa effect our application once we come to finally apply for a fiancee visa? Info on this would be greatly appreciated as I'm really trying to explore all avenues so I have a plan B should things take a turn for the worse.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes she could apply for a visit visa, doesn't mean she will get it, you would probably have to sponsor her, but its worth a try.

    it cost a mere £67, but prices increase 10th of April

    she can spend upto 6 months in anyone trip in the uk, but shouldn't spend more than 6 months in any one year in the uk

    nope should not effect her application for a fiancée visa whether she gets the VV or not.

  3. #3
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    it cost a mere £67, but prices increase 10th of April
    The fees change on the 6th of April.

    Visit visa only changes from £67 to £68 while the settlement visa goes up from £585 to £644.

    Regarding a visit visa, one of the reasons for the visa not being granted is the ECO does not think the applicant will return at the end of the visit, therefore you need to show the reason why they will return.

  4. #4
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    So if she can show that she has a job to go back too and that she has a daughter to look after would this work in her favour? The reason we would state for her coming here on a VV is the fact that we plan to marry and are just awaiting her annulment so we want to see how she adapts to life here in the UK as we will be filing for a Fiancee Visa once the Annulment arrives.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    about the job, that depends how long she is coming for, the embassy might not believe her or her employer if she says she is coming for 6 months and they will keep her job open for her return, but i would still risk it, if she can get a letter of her employer stating she will get her job bakc on her return to the phils..

    but mention all her family lives there( simple family tree) ,her daughter, job, that you both would not want to risk a refusal of a future fiancee visa if she did overstay.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Even though I'd normally be rather hesitant about encouraging anyone to apply for a Visit Visa, I would say that given YOUR particular circumstances ... and based on what the others have said ... it might well be worthwhile taking a chance ... especially in the light of the comparatively low cost involved. Good Luck!

  7. #7
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    We were in the same situation when I first applied brought Marvie over on a visit visa. I did however provide copy of my passport, and a letter of sponsorship.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    We were in the same situation when I first applied brought Marvie over on a visit visa. I did however provide copy of my passport, and a letter of sponsorship.
    Did you show any bank statements and if so how many did you supply and what was the balance you shown? Did you provide payslips and if so again, how many months did you provide?

    What about living arrangements, did you provide any tenancy agreement etc?

  9. #9
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    I provided a letter from me explaining that I would be a sponsor, how we met, our intentions, and what we were going to do while she was here. I also provided a letter from my employer simply confirming who am I, that i'm emploeyd on salary etc. Provided 6 payslips, no bank statements. Photocopy of passport and all stamped pages.
    Marvie had no money, but did have a job so that made things easier. But I think we proved that we were genuine, and gave them nothing to doubt us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I provided a letter from me explaining that I would be a sponsor, how we met, our intentions, and what we were going to do while she was here. I also provided a letter from my employer simply confirming who am I, that i'm emploeyd on salary etc. Provided 6 payslips, no bank statements. Photocopy of passport and all stamped pages.
    Marvie had no money, but did have a job so that made things easier. But I think we proved that we were genuine, and gave them nothing to doubt us.
    Oh right, so the 6 wage slips you gave were monthly or weekly? How much worth of wage slips do you think I should provide? Did you provide proof of your relationship being genuine such as telephone calls, ym chats, photos etc?

  11. #11
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrako View Post
    Did you provide proof of your relationship being genuine such as telephone calls, ym chats, photos etc?

  12. #12
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    We never provided any evidence of our relationship, at the end of the day it is a visit visa, but I guess any additional evidence can help them make a decision.
    We did however have matching dates in our passports for travelling together to Hong Kong and also when we worked together abroad.

    In fact a trip to Hong Kong from Manila/Cebu is a very easy way of gaining evidence if your with your other half, as its very cheap with cebu pacific and only an hours flight.

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