Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Well, Simon ... it's a long story - but, to cut it short (and without wishing to appear in any way ... ... egotistical) let me tell you about Myrna's response to a question one of my friends put to her fairly recently. Asked if she was enjoying being here in Perth, she replied: "Oh yes ... but then, I'd be happy to live anywhere - even in darkest Africa - as long as I had Arthur beside me!"

What a lovely thing to say ... and that's taking into account, the harsh winter we've suffered! Needless to say, I was extremely touched by this beautiful sentiment!
Will you be staying on the forum, when you move to darkest Africa?

A beautiful sentiment indeed, from Myrna.

Sorry Arthur I wasn't really having a go at you, but just a difficult situation, for many of us to be in.
...It's not always the often assumed case, that everyone is desperate to leave the Philippines. My wife would love it, if we could just live there simply, she's certainly not materialistic & neither am I.

On the other hand, she has never been anywhere else, so maybe her eyes will be opened, to other possibilities.