niether you should have as little involvment as possible if your girlfriend/wife can do it all it will be cheaper in any case if thats not possible the cheapest versions will be known by expats living there im not sure what your plan is time wise 5000 a month might get you a 2bed row house unfurnished depending on supply and demand but dont count on it unless jim knows specifics count on having to stay in hotel guest house while you look tour areas in a cab it took me 18 days of focused looking in cebu and my then lady was very good in communication skills so I xcould talk about criterior no one had any idea about room sizes it wont say in the adds

in the phils people put signs out if you see something you like in an area you like get a native speaker to phone and inquire

once your seen befor prices are known whity tax will be added

just seen your there for two months unless you have a firm offer befor you go you would have to be a favouritte of the gods to get what your looking for

Please dont base your budjet on those figuers if you found somthing for 15000 you will be lucky i will make enquireys but it will be a week at least befor im back remind me