Heres a thought that may stimulate some if your mortgage is near to finished relocate to a good tourist spot if your not already let your house as a tourist let via an agent for the summer (High income)storing your very personal stuff and use the income to fund 6 months initialy in the phils to see if you like it If you do the next season add a winter let and bingo income sorted and max of six months to get it back.

Part two pick a stunning location in the Phils build three smallish decca type houses £25 k ish (or if funds allow a big one for you and several small apartments)apply for permanent residence 13a import a container of carefully chosen household effects with no duty most of which can be found free or near offer on free cycle etc furnish said houses install wireless internet and rent short term to guys from forums like this one at around 10-11000 piso a month plus electric whilst living in one of them (there is a dearth of reasonable priced short term foriegner freindly property) This way you will never be short of an interesting conversation something to do or a pot of marmite

In time you might build more if demand is high or the properties could becomes homes for your kids there are spin offs like motor cycle rental and beer sales lol the part two is doable as a stand alone and could agument a pension you need to be gregarious of course

You do of course need to stay friends with the missus and in my case still find one lol as we cant own property there this way at all no matter what anyone says to the contrary also recieved wisdom says never settle on the same island as your fils family lol blah over