Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
Some good advice from people on Pensions and Health care but I would advise anyone to keep a close eye on policy making for the next few years as I can see quite a few changes being made in the name of cost cutting and revenue making. I think whoever gets in there will be a mixture of cost saving, taxes hikes, kneejerking and headline grabbing.

Ie be warned if those who retire abroad get little sympathy in the media and with the "general Public" who could be thought to be tax dodging/health tourists (not my thoughts or words).

I know the majority on here have paid their share and some of tax to UK PLC. But I think its plain to see taxes are going to go though the roof over the next few years and most likely beyond.
So if the goverment decide to change rules i cant see many uk based tax payers backing moves to make life easier for those living abroad.

So maybe more of the millions of ex pats abroad should register to vote in national elections...

You make some good points there and Im absolutely certain that what you say will come to pass eventually..