lots of variables but supposing two people outside of rent power can be 1000 - 4000 depending on your use of aircon internet 1000 water 250 transport all to do with location and choices like car or motor bike or taxi and trike jeepny

what you buy to eat is another big factor imported food eats into your budjet

you will also find you spend much more early on till you have settled in

£400 is doable if you dont try to much to transfer lifestyles from here to there its finding the balance and it takes a bit of time I reckon from my own experience between 18 months and two years to reach my equilibriam you can of course live on a lot less if you have to but would you want to Prof Al should be able to offer good upto date info on this as hes been doing it the last couple of years its also very different if your busy and occupied or trying to fill your time that always ups the budjet