Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
Arthur, what about Myrna's immediate family?
I'm not having a go at you, but sometimes we just seem to expect to drag our other halves, from the other side of the globe, to over here.

My wife absolutely loves the Philippines, she dosen't want to leave it really.

Like many here, ideally I'd love to be able to spend time between the two.
Well, Simon ... it's a long story - but, to cut it short (and without wishing to appear in any way ... ... egotistical) let me tell you about Myrna's response to a question one of my friends put to her fairly recently. Asked if she was enjoying being here in Perth, she replied: "Oh yes ... but then, I'd be happy to live anywhere - even in darkest Africa - as long as I had Arthur beside me!"

What a lovely thing to say ... and that's taking into account, the harsh winter we've suffered! Needless to say, I was extremely touched by this beautiful sentiment!

As regards her immediate relatives ... well, Myrna happens to be the 'only girl' in a family of five [surviving] brothers - all of whom are married with their own children - and she keeps in regular touch with them online and via Webcam. Sadly, her parents are now both deceased; she herself had been widowed early, with no kids to bring up.

And ... that's it, basically!