Good things:
- The roads and pavements don't look like they've been the victim of American 'friendly fire'.
- People driving around in their cars have, in most cases, got a license which they obtained after taking a test, rather than handing over 200 pesos to the dodgy official at the sub office in the province, and can therefore drive without risking life and limb on every single journey.
- No jeepneys and trikes.
Bad things:
- Supermarkets and shopping malls don't insist all their staff are female, under 25, attractive and forced to wear mini skirts
- Films don't come out here until 3 months later than everywhere else. Even Manila is more ahead than London for film releases!
- A Big Mac meal for one costs more than a McDonalds birthday party for 5 kids in Manila.
- The women are all minging. Once you've had asian, you'll never again go caucasian ;D