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  1. #1
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    settlement visa for child

    My wife got her spouse visa last year and is now back visiting the Philippines and is going to submit the application so that her son can join us.

    I understand the format for the letter of sponsorship I wrote for her spouse visa but now she is sponsor for him, does anybody know a good format for this type of letter?

    Also under any other documents... any suggestions of what else to include?


  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    I understand the format for the letter of sponsorship I wrote for her spouse visa but now she is sponsor for him, does anybody know a good format for this type of letter?

    Also under any other documents... any suggestions of what else to include?

    I think you should sponsor him not your wife, but your wife should co sponsor him, why ? same reason you sponsored your wife, that you have pay slips to show you can support him without recourse to public funds, that you've supported him in the phils (money remits) you have accommodation for him, without over crowding - a letter similar to the one you used for your wife.

    in her letter of support she should provide evidence she has sole custody and 'sole responsibility'

  3. #3
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Thanks joebloggs,

    I think it should be ok that she is sponsor as she has a job and can show pay slips and thier names will be on the rental agreement. Within the sponsor letter we will include that I pay the rent and bills.

    The father is not named on the birth certificate, he has never supported them and she has not seen him for years. We will include this in the letter but not sure how we show sole responsibility?

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    ok then

    good about the birth cert, as for sole responsibility..

    To meet the sole responsibility requirement, it is necessary to satisfy the Home Office that the sponsoring parent has, usually for a substantial period of time, been the chief person exercising parental responsibility for the child. This means that the sponsoring parent has had and still has the ultimate responsibility for the major decisions relating to the child’s upbringing and provides the child with the majority of the financial and emotional support it requires. The sponsoring parent must show that he or she has had, and continues to have, care and control of the child

    SET7.8 What is sole responsibility?

    A sponsoring parent (see SET7.2) must be able to show that he/she has been solely responsible for exercising parental care over the child for a substantial period.

    If the sponsoring parent and child are separated, the child will normally be
    expected to have been in the care of the sponsoring parent's relatives rather than the relatives of the other parent. An application should normally be refused if the child has been in the care of the other parent's relatives and the other parent lives nearby and takes an active interest in the child's welfare.

    The following factors should be considered in assessing sole responsibility:

    * Are the parents married / in a civil partnership?
    * If the parents' marriage / civil partnership is dissolved, which parent was awarded legal custody, which includes assumption of responsibility for the child?
    * Where there is a custody order the ECO should take care to ensure that the issue of a settlement entry clearance to the child will not contravene the terms of the custody order. Annex 1 contains a list of those countries whose custody orders can be recognised as valid in UK.
    * Does the marriage / civil partnership subsist, but the parents do not live together?
    * If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, how long has the sponsoring parent been separated from the child?
    * If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what were the arrangements for the care of the child before and after the sponsoring parent migrated?
    * If the sponsoring parent migrated to the UK, what has been/what is the sponsoring parent's relationship with the child?
    * Has the sponsoring parent consistently supported the child, either by:
    direct personal care ; or by regular and substantial financial remittances?

    * By whom, and in what proportions, is the cost of the child's maintenance borne?
    * Who takes the important decisions about the child's upbringing, for example where the child lives, the choice of school, religious practice etc

    your wife should mention she makes all the decisions that effect her sons life, from church, schooling etc..

    who's looking after her son now ?

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    just what i needed, thanks again joebloggs

  7. #7
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    who's looking after her son now ?
    His grandmother and the rest of her family.

    I was going to include a letter from her stating that she has looked after him since my wife has been in the UK.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    His grandmother and the rest of her family.

    I was going to include a letter from her stating that she has looked after him since my wife has been in the UK.
    yes good idea, and get her to state his mother has made, and continues to make all the major decisions for him.

    sole responsibility is probably the major reason why child are refused settlement visa's, so provide as much info as you can, and from what you've said, you shouldn't have a problem

    you might think the info from the previous link is overkill but, but get it right first time, and save the trouble of time and heart ache of having to appeal

  9. #9
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    With Yujin I submitted school papers and receipts with my signatures.. Pictures of us together and a letter from my mum stating she's just responsible on taking care of him while I was at work all major decissions for him comes from me.
    My hubby also included him in his support letter. I also wrote a letter that my husband has been helping me financially for his education back in the Philippines and he has a big role as a father with him. Yujin believes that his daddy is Adam, because he is still young to understand.
    Good luck to your application!

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