Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
have no real experience of government and who have both only been MP's since 2001.
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (and quite possibly the rest of them) had no experience of government either prior to being elected in 1997. Whoops, that destroys your pointless argument.

By the way, Cameron was in the last Tory government http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_C...litical_career . Double whoops, maybe you should do some research next time.

Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
Although the Cameron's like to portray themselves as as a bit like the rest of us on their kitchen webcam, David Cameron's personal fortune is estimated to be somewhere between £15m and £30m (He's a bit shy about it) and although he and his wife like to be seen going in and out of their nice little end of terrace house in London (a bit like the rest of us you might think), their real home is a substantial country pile in Oxforshire and his wife's (Sam) father is Sir Reginald Sheffield the eighth holder of a baronetcy that goes back to 1755 and is estimated to be worth at least £20million, and possibly considerably more.

Shaun Woodward? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaun_Woodward

This is where you socialists come unstuck. You say Cameron shouldn't be in charge because of his background. So, we stop all rich people running the country. Who else do you ban from running the country based on ther background? Cider drinkers from Somerset - why the hell not, you've already tried to tax them an extra 10%, but strangley, whiskly drinkers from Scotland escape. Strange that, don't you think?

Politics should NOT be about class, and when David Mirrorband used the same words about Cameron being an upper class toff in the last Question Time, there we're a lot of people moaning in the audience. Its obvious people are fed up with Labour bringing out the class argument all the time.

Politics in the UK sucks, bring on the revolution.