Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Not necessarily a waste of time ... especially the way the country's heading at the present moment. Ask around ... British people are getting sick to the back teeth of being subject to the dictates of Brussels. I KNOW I am ... and ANY Political Party that can disentangle our laws from those of the rest of this farcical European Union, must surely be welcomed!
I'm fed up from of being subject to the dictat of london, and the county council, and the town council and the parish council. Where does it stop? Be are also being dictated to by the world bank and the IMF should we withdraw from the rest of the world as well?

I don't agree with the EU, it is simply a capitalist clubbut get over the fact that 35 years ago the electorate voted to remain a part of the then Common Market. And if you can't get your head around that, tell me when Liverpool or Manchester or Sheffield, or Cornwall etc voted to be ruled from London.