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Thread: help confuse..

  1. #1
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Talking help confuse..

    hello fellow here after been no present in the forum. but i hope you are all well..

    i need some advice or opinion.. hope you all dont mind me getting back here and asking for advice..were just busy in our lifes..anyway..heres my thoughts that confusing me..

    after quitting my last job as a housekeeping im back now to looking for a new job and now i have a two upcoming intereviews as a sales consultant for two different marketing.. i applied in this job and got an phone interview before inviting me to face to face actual interview. my reason that i applied for this job is kind close to my experience as a sales lady back in philippines last couple of yearss ago.

    but my worries are now coming to my chest.. im not quite confident to my english although there is a confidence to me still im a bit worried of my listening skills and communication skills. and for you to be able to do the job as a sales consultant you need to have a clear communication.but me i often have to ask the question is or what the other saying again. i know this is normal. i dont know theres a back on my mind that just give it a try but why give a try if i know what is wrong with me. i have some positive thoughts and negative thoughts right now on my mind... i guess that is really life isnt it..

    any opinion are very appreciated..thanks guys..

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi Poca,

    For me it is just normal for you to feel nervous especially like us, ENGLISH is not our first language but I think it isn't right to become a hindrance in getting what you want..

    The interviewer wouldn't asked you for a personal interview if they dont think you've got the qualities they need since they already interviewed you over the phone..

    Cheer up girl, I am very sure you can make it..Goodluck..

  3. #3
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi Poca,

    For me it is just normal for you to feel nervous especially like us, ENGLISH is not our first language but I think it isn't right to become a hindrance in getting what you want..

    The interviewer wouldn't asked you for a personal interview if they dont think you've got the qualities they need since they already interviewed you over the phone..

    Cheer up girl, I am very sure you can make it..Goodluck..

    thanks kimmi.. you are always on my post..need ko tlg now ang konting push to my self..and your right there i had a phone interview already so yeah i will just go there and be the best as i can. if i didnt get the job its ok..theres a subway that i can go and order my favorite meal..hehe

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    good to hear that sis, just try to go there and keep us posted of what sure u can make it.. I also love subway..

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    hi Poca,

    For me it is just normal for you to feel nervous especially like us, ENGLISH is not our first language but I think it isn't right to become a hindrance in getting what you want..

    The interviewer wouldn't asked you for a personal interview if they dont think you've got the qualities they need since they already interviewed you over the phone..

    Cheer up girl, I am very sure you can make it..Goodluck..
    with Kimmi ... YOU CAN DO IT ... 'power of positive thinking' and all that! To my mind, the *telephone interview would've been the hardest part to contend with ... and you've already gone more than halfway to proving your worth by passing *this with flying colours. Besides, I believe you express yourself very well indeed - considering English is not your first language.

    All the best with the next - and [hopefully] final - stage.

  6. #6
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    theres no point in hiding at home, how will you ever get use to people talking to you and improving you english

    i would drop you off somewhere and tell you to make your own way home, to make you talk to people but as i know how tampo you filipinas can get, is that such a good idea
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  7. #7
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    with Kimmi ... YOU CAN DO IT ... 'power of positive thinking' and all that! To my mind, the *telephone interview would've been the hardest part to contend with ... and you've already gone more than halfway to proving your worth by passing *this with flying colours. Besides, I believe you express yourself very well indeed - considering English is not your first language.

    All the best with the next - and [hopefully] final - stage.
    i understand and its true that the telephone interview is really hard too for me and get nervous but right its normal where its not our first language..i think we will have a train how you will sell the things.. id just hope that there is montly wage and not only by qouta..hehe but ill see tomorrow and in thursday.


  8. #8
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    theres no point in hiding at home, how will you ever get use to people talking to you and improving you english

    i would drop you off somewhere and tell you to make your own way home, to make you talk to people but as i know how tampo you filipinas can get, is that such a good idea
    i dont think so..hehe coz im so matampuhin..but to be honest i really get your point though. its just make me feel that i dont wanna sounds practising my english during my interviews but again i completely understand and get the point kaya nga ko nandito para to get a positive thoughts....


  9. #9
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Go for it
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Go for it
    Yes, go for it ! As someone who is trying to learn Tagalog and Italian I know how hard it is , and we in the UK tend to be very lazy with languages because everyone speaks English (but their grammar and spelling may still be terrible !)

  11. #11
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    You can do it! This must be it
    As some members have mentioned, they won't require you to proceed for a personal interview if you aren't qualified. So you got the qualities of a sales consultant. Cheer up

    Just be confident of your answers on your interview. I know it's normal to feel nervous in every job interview but try to relax. Mostly, we are just nervous before the interview but during the interview we start to feel comfortable answering every questions they ask.

    Just do your best... I know you would
    Good luck.
    I know you can do it...
    Self confidence will be a great help
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  12. #12
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Yes, go for it ! As someone who is trying to learn Tagalog and Italian I know how hard it is , and we in the UK tend to be very lazy with languages because everyone speaks English (but their grammar and spelling may still be terrible !)

    id just hope that my interviews realized that and will be very kind to understand my persuasive to be trained and to learned...hehe

  13. #13
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
    You can do it! This must be it
    As some members have mentioned, they won't require you to proceed for a personal interview if you aren't qualified. So you got the qualities of a sales consultant. Cheer up

    Just be confident of your answers on your interview. I know it's normal to feel nervous in every job interview but try to relax. Mostly, we are just nervous before the interview but during the interview we start to feel comfortable answering every questions they ask.

    Just do your best... I know you would
    Good luck.
    I know you can do it...
    Self confidence will be a great help
    hello liane long time no hear...thanks for the reply on my post.. to be honest i think all i have is confidence..hehe but yeah i will just take time to answer and be positive and just answer what they ask. and trying to be relax.. thanks for the tips.. are you now here by the way in uk?

  14. #14
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    hello liane long time no hear...thanks for the reply on my post.. to be honest i think all i have is confidence..hehe but yeah i will just take time to answer and be positive and just answer what they ask. and trying to be relax.. thanks for the tips.. are you now here by the way in uk?
    That's the spirit! Good luck.

    I am still here in Philippines and still waiting for one important document before I could have my visa application.
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  15. #15
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    have you researched if this job is okay? i mean search the company.. this may be the ones that do door to door selling... good luck to you.. and remember that you're english is better than most foreigners here... so cheer up girl!

  16. #16
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    hello fellow here after been no present in the forum. but i hope you are all well .. i need some advice or opinion.. hope you all dont mind me getting back here and asking for advice..were just busy in our lifes..anyway..heres my thoughts that confusing me.. after quitting my last job as a housekeeping im back now to looking for a new job and now i have a two upcoming intereviews as a sales consultant for two different marketing.. i applied in this job and got an phone interview before inviting me to face to face actual interview. my reason that i applied for this job is kind close to my experience as a sales lady back in philippines last couple of yearss ago. but my worries are now coming to my chest.. im not quite confident to my english although there is a confidence to me still im a bit worried of my listening skills and communication skills. and for you to be able to do the job as a sales consultant you need to have a clear communication.but me i often have to ask the question is or what the other saying again. i know this is normal. i dont know theres a back on my mind that just give it a try but why give a try if i know what is wrong with me. i have some positive thoughts and negative thoughts right now on my mind... i guess that is really life isnt it..

    any opinion are very appreciated..thanks guys..
    Hello Pocahontas! ike everyone said go for it. If you don't get it, it doesn't necessarily mean you're no good. Employers have their own way of looking/hiring people. Your confidence might be hitting you down, but that is normal. Just keep talking/practising. I know it is our second language and can be use as an excuse - vis a vis our get out - nevertheless that is the language to use in the UK. You're are good compared but don't stop there ... make it even better ... you will get there ... :-) All the best to you!!!

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