I refer the gentleman to the previous comments by sars. "about how the roughly crap ppl seem to get a good life while good ppl seem to spend all their time avoiding the crap"

This is jealously too. As you are are comparing yourself to another, which is not the right thing to do. We each much make our own path through life.If our partner is jealous,or does not trust us it is not good. They might be pain, but should you have to suffer for what happened to them?

Trust over long distance is difficult and I would give the best advice to anyone, keep regular letters, photos of her and her friends and family. Know everything you possibly can while looking into these pics. But that is only a snapshot of someones life.

Now with every Filipino having a digital camera on their phones, there really is no excuse not to get photos about their life, their habits and no lies. If she asks for emergency money, ask her for a picture of hospital if its true. Only fair right? Sounds cruel, but hey, if you want truth, no Filipino should hide what they have been doing.

Filipinos think, because us Westerners have PCs, we are up to something.

Jessica, always wanted me to speak to her everyday for over 5 hrs on cam. I mean. What does she think I will do if I am not with her Pressure like that is not healthy. Enjoy your time together, have fun, send each other silly jokes, stories, and learn about the differences in culture.
Learn each others language which always is fun. I never did that.