Quote Originally Posted by liane View Post
I understand that it's difficult to be away with your husband, I feel the same way like you do
I accepted the fact that it will be this way so I keep myself busy with the things I need to do. When we talk he's the sentimental one and I tried my best to cheer him up. We both know that this is just temporary and we are both willing to wait
Just keep being in love

It would help as well to keep yourself busy with your kids or work. That would be fun and that way you will not feel sad being away with your hubby. And if you have more time grab an interesting book to read or find some activities this summer that offers workshop or trainings that will help you enhance your skills or add some more knowledge that would be very useful when you will be in UK
hello liane..good for that way and i trully agree to you on that but at times being diffrent in culture makes things difficult and not all the time we can just ride on the wheels of life...up and down but beiung more patince makes us more mature..books i dont think i got interst in books i got load of it but didnt have time to read i got small kids and during the niught im so tired and alone typical for mother i guess..but for thsoe who are single and dont have children ..live your life fully while you are still on that phase..to when thei times comes that you awake in the middle of the night with the cired of the babbbies you can ponder that this is trully the true essence of being a woman and and not just a wife lol..

btw ty for the reply..i hope you and your husband will be soon togther..good luck to us allweeeeeeeeeeeeee