Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
so the visa has been submitted and hopefully it will be good news in 4+ weeks.

then theres the matter of her settling over here

any ladies out there can give me some advice on whats best

i am lucky enough to live where i work so i will be able to pop home every so often to make sures shes ok, however i do worry how she will settle in as she is painfully shy- even with fellow philippinos.

i have a fairly large social circle due to my work and many of the girls in that circle will welcome her- in fact cant wait to meet her and take her shopping etc

i am considering getting a kitten so she will have company when i am at work etc- good idea or not??

we aint got the visa yet so i hope i am not tempting fate with this post but fellow members experience from both sexes would be appreciated
Good luck. i am sure she will have her visa in 4wks time.

Just giver her all the love and cuddles. And let her call her family back home at least once a day. Coz she will be very homesick in her first few days and weeks. Ask her if she wants kitten or a dog perhaps. At least it will be her way of excuse to go out and walk with the dog.

I have been here in England for a month now. And my first week here, i found a pinay who works in toppers, and we became fast friends. I am quite shy too, but it was great to see your own kind. My husband was the one who asked her number coz i am really that shy! So I am sure she is going to settle in quite fine here. I am not sure of your whereabout. I lived in nuneaton. So if she feels like wanting some friends when she is here finally, i'd love to be her friend.

Take care and God bless to you both . xx