While its good you have lots of friends who will welcome her. Im sure you aware there is no blue print no one way. Some Ladies settle in straight away others take a while, just like with us Brits in Phill. Just because she has a certain charcter in phill does not mean she will act the same apart from her friends and family in Phill.
From what I understand and have seen some Ladies find they gain a new confidence once they get here and others look like they are in a state of shock. One Lady the Wife and I met though her friends sat at a Phill Dinner and barely said a word and looked like she was shell shocked

Phones and texting help as does food. Also feeling comfortable in her surroundings, Im sure all the filipinas who have preceded your Mahal coming to the UK. Many will have found simply stepping outside and traveling around the local area a massive event.

Also I dont know your Mahal but I would be wary of simply giving her the cash and not making sure she is aware of things we take for granted like store cards, credit cards etc.

Also many phills are used to living hand to mouth so simply feel they should spend all they have and many will start buying for family back home the first time you go to a supermarket. You may want her to start a savings account with a few quid tucked away a month for the trip back home, the bablikayan boxes etc..

Your be suprised how easy it is even in these crunch days for people to sign up. My Wife works in a shop and is amazed how many people still get accepted for store cards yet dont seem to understand the implications..